Replace characters in a string

  • In the comment column I'd enter : "Guess why"

  • I once worked for a company that bought a home-grown application, (no due diligence on the purchase of this company) and the guy actually coded hycoos for his error statements!  It was a real pleasure to walk through and document before re-writing the whole stinkin' thing...  



    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • hycoos?? Care to give an exemple?

  • Did you mean HAIKUs? (Japanese poetry).


  •   yes, I meant HAIKUs.  Obviously, spelling was not paramount in my training.... Thank you for the interpretation...

    It was years ago and hard to remember.  They would be something like: "Finding the path may lead you down many roads."   

    Either way, it was infuriating to debug this sucker...  Kept him in cash for a while, but that kind of pollucka never lasts that long...  



    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

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