
  • Please provide me the condition on which your filter statement will be .

    Lets say

    condition 1

    filter should be $filter = '1'

    condition 2

    filter should be $filter = '2'

    then I can make the statement for you.


  • we go with condition 1..



  • Hi,

    Sorry you didn't understood my question.

    Just provide me original query and let me know what condition you want there in "Where" condition then I can help you.


  • select distinct split_part(split_part(cp.msg, 'src=',1),',',1),split_part(split_part(cp.msg, 'user=''',2),',',1) as user ,am.itime,am.dtime,am.url from "FGT60B3908669009-wlog-1380091698" am join "SYSLOG-C0A80A41-glog-1380347892" cp on cast(am.src as character varying)=cast((split_part(split_part(cp.msg, 'src=',2),',',1) ) as character varying) where am.src='' and replace('$filter', 'itime', 'am.itime')

    This is my original query.................


  • Ok what you actually trying to do by this:

    replace('$filter', 'itime', 'am.itime')


    It may be some condition like itime>=something or item<=something right ?

  • exactly.

    if the user wants the reports for 1hr...

    this query has to generate 1hr report..



  • If you have two different conditions like am.time <= and am.time>= then better to write if else statement and copy paste your query with required modifications.

    I am not able to help you as I still could not understand your requirement.

    Sorry 🙁

  • Thanks a lot for your help

    Replacement every thing over. Now if i run the below query its querying for long time due to huge datas in DB(PostgreSQL). if i run same query outside i am getting test data's quickly. Now tell me how to get quick datas.

    Since here we are splitting,joining, comparing,with the the timestamp we have to give the result.

    So it takes time to pull the datas.............

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS OwnerMessageList1;

    CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE OwnerMessageList1 (

    id serial,

    name varchar(100)


    INSERT INTO OwnerMessageList1


    select unnest(string_to_array(replace(replace('$filter', 'itime >= ', ''),'itime <= ',''),'and'));

    select distinct split_part(split_part(cp.msg, 'src=',2),',',1),split_part(split_part(cp.msg, 'user=''',2),',',1) as user ,am.itime,am.dtime,am.url from "FGT60B3908669009-wlog-1380091698" am join "SYSLOG-C0A80A41-glog-1380347892" cp on cast(am.src as character varying)=cast((split_part(split_part(cp.msg, 'src=',2),',',1) ) as character varying) where (cast(am.itime as varchar)<=(select name from OwnerMessageList1 where id=1) and cast(am.itime as varchar)>=(select name from OwnerMessageList1 where id=2));



  • Is this PostgreSQL?

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • yup

  • Is it possible to use webserver and get connected to DB to get quick results



  • You can directly write your value in below sub query.

    This sub query may lead to some problem like multiple records in select statement error etc.

    where (cast(am.itime as varchar[highlight=#ffff11])<=(select name from OwnerMessageList1 where id=1)[/highlight] and cast(am.itime as varchar)>=([highlight=#ffff11]select name from OwnerMessageList1 where id=2)[/highlight]);

    Here I can suggest only this things 🙁

    Hope this may help.

  • ERROR: syntax error at or near "highlight".

    LINE 12: ...character varying)where (cast(am.itime as

    This is the error i am getting



  • what is highlight?



  • remove this from your code




    This is added by SQLServerCentral's editor

    Use constants instead of subquery.

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