Repeating process for X number of records/times

  • Hi,

    I got a report that runs annually and it grabs data using the following query:

    SELECT SUM(a.Amount) AS TRAmount FROM (







    FROM tblInvoiceLine

    WHERE InvoiceNumber IN (



    FROM tblVesselInvoice

    WHERE MovementsID IN (



    FROM tblVesselMovements

    WHERE CONVERT(DATETIME, ArrivalDate, 103)

    BETWEEN '2014-01-01' AND '2014-12-30' AND VesselID IN (



    FROM tblVesselDetails

    WHERE VesselTypeCode = 'TR')

    ) AND IsCancelled = 0

    ) AND LineNumber = 9

    ) a

    So that bit would retrieve an amount of charges made during 2014 (date needs to be converted since its stored as string).

    This query "happens" about 35 times, one per every VesselTypeCode:

    WHERE VesselTypeCode = 'TR'

    This is bizarre, the code C# is actually querying (almost) the same 35 times and storing the results in variables that later get printed on the report. I would like to do something more database driven, I'm not sure if a cursor is the way to go... (?)

    My stack: VS2015 ~ C# ~ MSSQL 2014[/url] ~ DevCraft ~ ReSharper ~ DataGrip ~ Linqer[/url]

  • Unless I have missed something is this just a simple grouping? If so does the below work - you may need to fix any syntax errors as I created it quickly



    ,SUM(InvL.Amount) as Amount

    FROM tblInvoiceLine InvL

    join tblVessleInvoice VesI

    on InvL.InvoiceNumber = VesI.InvoiceNumber

    join tblVesselMovements VesM

    on VesI.MovementId = VesM.MovementID

    join tblVesselDetails VesD

    on VesM.VesselID = VesD.VesselID

    where CONVERT(DATETIME, VesM.ArrivalDate, 103) BETWEEN '2014-01-01' AND '2014-12-30'

    and VesI.IsCancelled = 0

    and Invl.LineNumber = 9

    Group by VesD.VesselTypeCode

  • This could be a safer approach to prevent unwanted duplicate rows.

    WITH cteVessels AS(

    --Change this code to something that won't need the DISTINCT

    SELECT DISTINCT VesselTypeCode

    FROM tblVesselDetails


    SELECT VesselTypeCode,


    FROM cteVessels v


    SELECT SUM( Amount) AS TRAmount

    FROM tblInvoiceLine

    WHERE InvoiceNumber IN (

    SELECT InvoiceNumber

    FROM tblVesselInvoice

    WHERE MovementsID IN (

    SELECT MovementsID

    FROM tblVesselMovements

    WHERE CONVERT(DATETIME, ArrivalDate, 103) BETWEEN '2014-01-01' AND '2014-12-30'

    AND VesselID IN (

    SELECT VesselID

    FROM tblVesselDetails

    WHERE VesselTypeCode = v.VesselTypeCode)


    AND IsCancelled = 0


    AND LineNumber = 9

    ) a

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Luis Cazares (1/5/2016)

    This could be a safer approach to prevent unwanted duplicate rows.

    Ah! This one worked quite prefectly... What would be the best way of repeating this part 9 times (one per LineNumber)



    SELECT SUM(Amount) AS TRAmount

    FROM tblInvoiceLine

    WHERE InvoiceNumber IN


    SELECT InvoiceNumber

    FROM tblVesselInvoice

    WHERE MovementsID IN


    SELECT MovementsID

    FROM tblVesselMovements

    WHERE CONVERT(DATETIME, ArrivalDate, 103) BETWEEN '2014-01-01' AND '2014-12-30' AND VesselID IN


    SELECT VesselID

    FROM tblVesselDetails

    WHERE VesselTypeCode = v.VesselTypeCode


    ) AND IsCancelled = 0

    ) AND LineNumber = 9

    ) a

    I know If I actually copy-paste it, change the alias and include it on top of the original query it will work out but I was thinking of a fancier way?,

    Thanks for your help

    My stack: VS2015 ~ C# ~ MSSQL 2014[/url] ~ DevCraft ~ ReSharper ~ DataGrip ~ Linqer[/url]

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