Repeating Child Element Help - XML to SQL

  • Hello all.

    New to XML and any help is appreciated.


    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#TableExample') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #TableExample


    CREATE TABLE #TableExample


    XMLData xml


    INSERT INTO #TableExample



    '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>


    <Groups GroupName = "Management">








    <Groups GroupName = "ITDEV">









    R.N.query('.').value('(/Groups/EmpID/.)[1]','int') AS CustomerID


    #TableExample TE


    TE.Xmldata.nodes('/Directory/Groups') R(N)

    I'm able to pull the top EmpID from each Group, but I actually need to do 2 things.

    Each EmpID(# can vary) and it's respective GroupName.

    I've searched hours for a solution, but no luck.

    Output to be something like this:

    Department EmployeeID


    Management 45612

    Management 84512

    Management 32247

    Management 91548

    Management 64656

    Management 32487

    ITDEV 47312

    ITDEV 88451

    ITDEV 48165

    ITDEV 34567

  • Take the output of your first .nodes() method and use to both get the group name, and feed another .nodes() call to turn its children into a resultset:

    SELECT R.N.value('@GroupName', 'varchar(32)') AS [Department],

    E.eid.value('.', 'int') AS [EmployeeID],

    R.N.query('.') AS [Outer XML Node],

    E.eid.query('.') AS [Inner XML Node]

    FROM #TableExample TE

    CROSS APPLY TE.Xmldata.nodes('/Directory/Groups') R(N)

    CROSS APPLY R.N.nodes('EmpID') E(eid)

    Eddie Wuerch
    MCM: SQL

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