Repair and Compact MS Access Database

  • Hi,

    I need to connect to up to 4 MS Access Databases and extract info from them, but I thought I would like to Repair and Compact them first.

    Is there a recommended way to do this programtically?

    I was hoping to do this within DTS.

  • You could use something like this in an ActiveX Script Task.  The problem is that it creates a new database that would be the compacted database, leaving your original untouched and the compact database will error if the target file already exists.  There are 3 steps you could take:

    1.  Determine if target exists and delete it

    2.  Compact the database which creates the new database

    3.  Copy the new database over your old database

    4.  Import the data

    1 & 2 & 3)

    Dim jetEngine

    'Create a Microsoft Jet and Replication Object

    Set jetEngine = CreateObject("JRO.JetEngine")

    Dim source

    Dim target

    Dim sourceFile

    Dim targetFile

    sourceFile = path and file to source

    targetFile=path and file to target

    source = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="

    target = source

    source = source & sourceFile

    target = target & targetFile

    'create a file system object

    Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")

    if fso.fileexists(targetFile) then


    end if

    jetEngine.CompactDatabase source, target

    set jetEngine = nothing

    I'm a little leary about replacing the original file with the newly compacted file without first verifying that the new file works.  I would create a backup of the original before replacing it.

    Dim backup as string

    backup = path to backup file & filename

    fso.copyfile source, backup

    fso.copyfile target, source

    set fso = Nothing

    There also exists the chance for error if any of the access files are open.

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