Rendering Reports Using Subscriptions

  • I hope this isn't a dumb question.

    I have created a report which I need to email to a number of recipients on a periodic basic. I can do this using a timed subscription. I want to send the report to recipients as a pdf document in order to minimise the chance that somebody could edit the report.

    Does anybody know of a way of setting any of the pdf documents properties on the report (e.g. setting the Author field to a company name) so that they are not left blank when the subscription runs?

    There is nothing in the rdl file to allow me to set these properties, and there isn't an option on the subscription itself. Are there any tags in either the Report Server Web Service, Windows Service or Report Manager configuration files that would allow me to set these globally for reports being generated? Any help would be appreciated.

  • Hi..

    I think in order to set can use 'RenderFormat' which is given in delivery extensions...

    This you can use and set RenderFormat as "PDF" so that all your reports will be sent in PDF Format..



  • Hi,

    thanks for the response. If you create a subscription to render a report in pdf and open the resultant report in adobe and look at the document properties, you will see that all document properties are blank, with the exception of the "report name" field. When reporting services renders the pdf I would like it to set the adobe document property "Author" equal to my companies name. You don't have an option to set this when creating the subscription, nor in the report definition itself. Is there another way of setting the property, e.g. by using the reporting service config files?

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