Renaming files

  • Not sure whether the solution will be in  DOS or in query analyzer but for sure  help will be appreciated in renaming files as shown below Example


    logname_2004-01-12. 300.trn should be logname3

    logname_2004-01-12. 630.trn should be logname6

    logname_2004-01-12. 1630.trn should be logname16


    (ie appending just the hour behind the logname )


    Thanks in advance


  • Hi,

    i think the way must go over VBS Scripting, I dont know about any funktion in dos or TSQL to work so on with filenames.


    Kind Regards



    First you need to determine the length of the file (DOS???  If not use Perl, VBS? JS), then you do something like the following.  I dont know how to drop the first "." but this should get you started. 

    RENAME logname*.?*.* logname.?*.*

    Then run a second command

    RENAME logname.?*.* logname.?.*


  • I would say use a Vbs to read the names of all the files in the directory, then just use fso object for renaming the files.


  • Thanks for the responses people .OnceI hit post it dawned on me that perl could be useful



  • Try something like:


    Declare @FileFrom varchar(255),

      @FileTo varchar(255),

      @path varchar(255),

      @OutputString varchar(500)

    SELECT @path='C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\Backups\' --Or whatever your path is

    SELECT @FileFrom =@path +'logname_2004-01-12. 300.trn'

    SELECT @FileTo =@path +'logname3.trn'

    select @OutputString= 'REN ' + '"'+ @FileFrom + '"' + ' ' +'"' +@FileTo +'"'

    exec xp_cmdshell @OutputString

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