Renaming a Server running SQL v7.0

  • I noticed in SQL BOL for v7.0 that you need to rerun setup when renaming a server. We are using a product call Octopus which is a replication and takeover product that allows us to mirror two seperate servers, eg S1 and S2.

    S1 is the online server and S2 the backup. If S1 fails for any reason, S1 is shutdown and S2 kicks in as S1 assuming all of S1's responsibilities.

    The problem is, when the server is renamed, the SQL services do not restart because the Setup needs to be rerun for SQL.

    My question is: Is there a way we can avoid having to rerun setup by forcing command line parameters after the rename?

    Thanks in advance,


  • In v6.5, you can do an sp_dropserver <servername> and then an sp_addserver <newname>, local. I thought this worked for 7.0, but you'd have to test it.

    Steve Jones

  • yes this will work. First, run sp_dropserver 'server name' then run

    sp_addserver 'server name' , local.

    Stop and restart Mssql service and sql agen service.

    Run Select @@servername and this will display your new sql server name.

  • The problem is that the SQL Services do no start until the Setup.EXE has been completed, hence we still have to rerun the setup before using either sp_dropserver or sp_addserver.


  • Can't just run sp_dropserver, addserver, before the stop and start of services?

    Steve Jones

  • Problem is, the 2nd SQL Server S2 is not actually running, it is just receiving replicated data from S1 via Octopus, not SQL. The only time that S2 should be started, is when S1 is unavailable.



  • Aha, makes sense.

    I know that setup includes the ability to generate a "silent install" script. Perhaps that would be useful here?;EN-US;q233337

    Also, search "Unattended Installation" in BOL or "How to record an unattended installation file (Setup)"

    What about renaming the NT server instead? That might be easier to script.

    Steve Jones

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