August 13, 2008 at 2:00 pm
We are planning to remove the individual logins in our sql servers in all the test environments first and later in production. Incase the user requests for his login we want to restore his login.Can you tell me how to do this as there will be different db's with different objects and diff permissions on different objects
Chandra Mohan N
Chandra Mohan[/font]
August 14, 2008 at 1:23 am
Re-instituting the logins portion (getting access to the SQL Server itself) is fairly straight-forward:
How to transfer the logins and the passwords between instances of SQL Server 2005[/url]
However, permissions within the database are another matter entirely. You could script out the database including permissions using the given tools. The problem there is how do you separate each individual user's permissions? For your databases, were permissions defined against individual users or were they assigned against database roles?
K. Brian Kelley
August 14, 2008 at 6:37 am
Mostly by roles. But for some users they were given individually. Can you give me the script to this or any tool.
Chandra Mohan N
Chandra Mohan[/font]
August 14, 2008 at 9:15 am
SQL Server Management Studio will do the scripting but it's geared towards objects. There's also Scriptio, but it too is more geared towards objects:
Then there are the 3rd party tools like Apex SQL Doc and Red Gate's SQL Compare.
K. Brian Kelley
August 15, 2008 at 10:01 am
I have the following which targets a specific user, but you could easily adapt it to traverse all database principals with
select name from sys.database_principals
where type in ('S','U','G')
and name not in ('INFORMATION_SCHEMA','guest','sys','dbo')
declare @db sysname
,@OldUser sysname
,@NewUser sysname
,@SQL Varchar(8000)
Set@OldUser = 'Oldusername----/-------////---------/////
Set@newuser = 'Newusername'--\-------\\\\---------\\\\Declare db cursor static for
select name from master..sysdatabases
open db
While 0=0
fetch next from db
into @db
if @@fetch_status <> 0
Set @SQL =' use ' + @db + '
If Exists(Select * from sysusers where name = ''' + @OldUser + ''')
Declare @SQL varchar(8000)
Print''Use'' + SPACE(1) + QUOTENAME(DB_NAME()) --AS ''--Database Context''
Declare cmd cursor static for
Select''Exec sp_addrolemember @rolename =''
+ SPACE(1) + QUOTENAME(USER_NAME(rm.role_principal_id), '''''''') + '', @membername ='' + SPACE(1) + QUOTENAME(''' + @newuser + ''', '''''''') --AS ''--Role Memberships''
Fromsys.database_role_members AS rm
WhereUSER_NAME(rm.member_principal_id) = ''' + @OldUser + '''
Order By rm.role_principal_id ASC
Open cmd
While 0=0
Fetch Next
From cmd
into @SQL
if @@Fetch_Status <> 0
Print @SQL
Close cmd
Deallocate cmd
Declare cmd cursor static for
SelectCASE WHEN perm.state <> ''W'' THEN perm.state_desc ELSE ''GRANT'' END
+ SPACE(1) + perm.permission_name + SPACE(1) + ''ON '' + QUOTENAME(USER_NAME(obj.schema_id)) + ''.'' + QUOTENAME(
+ CASE WHEN cl.column_id IS NULL THEN SPACE(0) ELSE ''('' + QUOTENAME( + '')'' END
+ SPACE(1) + ''TO'' + SPACE(1) + QUOTENAME(''' + @newuser + ''') COLLATE database_default
+ CASE WHEN perm.state <> ''W'' THEN SPACE(0) ELSE SPACE(1) + ''WITH GRANT OPTION'' END AS ''--Object Level Permissions''
Fromsys.database_permissions AS perm
Join sys.objects obj
on perm.major_id = obj.[object_id]
JOIN sys.database_principals usr
on perm.grantee_principal_id = usr.principal_id
Left Join sys.columns cl
on cl.column_id = perm.minor_id AND cl.[object_id] = perm.major_id = ''' + @OldUser + '''
Order By perm.permission_name ASC, perm.state_desc ASC
Open cmd
While 0=0
Fetch Next
From cmd
into @SQL
if @@Fetch_Status <> 0
Print @SQL
Close cmd
Deallocate cmd
Declare cmd cursor static for
SelectCASE WHEN perm.state <> ''W'' THEN perm.state_desc ELSE ''GRANT'' END
+ SPACE(1) + perm.permission_name + SPACE(1)
+ SPACE(1) + ''TO'' + SPACE(1) + QUOTENAME(''' + @newuser + ''') COLLATE database_default
+ CASE WHEN perm.state <> ''W'' THEN SPACE(0) ELSE SPACE(1) + ''WITH GRANT OPTION'' END --AS ''--Database Level Permissions''
Fromsys.database_permissions AS perm
sys.database_principals AS usr
ON perm.grantee_principal_id = usr.principal_id = ''' + @OldUser + '''
andperm.major_id = 0
Order By perm.permission_name ASC, perm.state_desc ASC
Open cmd
While 0=0
Fetch Next
From cmd
into @SQL
if @@Fetch_Status <> 0
Print @SQL
Close cmd
Deallocate cmd
--Print @SQL
close db
deallocate db
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