Removing embedded duplicate rows

  • You should open a new thread !!!


    * Noel

  • Wanted to tell him that but that thread is opened 5 times/week so one less time shouldn't hurt anyone .

  • How about?


    Declare @cnt int,

     @PictureSetID int,

     @Height int,

     @Width int,

     @PictureID int,

     @Description varchar(200),

     @FileName varchar(200)

    --Create Temp output table

    Create  TABLE #tmp

     (PictureSetID int,

     Height int,

     Width int,

     PictureID int,

     Description varchar(200),

     FileName varchar(200))

    --Create cursor of all records (dups included)

    Declare getallrecords cursor local static For

     SELECT TOP 25 A.PictureSetID, B.Height, B.Width, B.PictureID, B.Description, B.FileName

     FROM FEATS_PictureSetItem A, FEATS_Picture B

     WHERE A.PictureSetID = 3 AND

     A.PictureID not in (0) AND (A.PictureID = B.PictureID)

     GROUP BY B.Description, A.PictureSetID, B.Height, B.Width, B.PictureID, B.FileName


    --open the cursor

    Open getallrecords

    -- Perform the first fetch.

    Fetch next from getallrecords into @PictureSetID,@Height,@Width,@PictureID,@Description,@FileName

    --Loop Thru RecordSet

    While @@fetch_status=0


     --Only INSERT non dup records   

     If (SELECT count(*) from #tmp Where Description LIKE substring(@description, 1, (len(description)-1))+ '%' ) = 0 


       INSERT #tmp (PictureSetID, Height, Width, PictureID, Description, FileName) Values(@PictureSetID,@Height,@Width,@PictureID,@Description,@FileName)


     --get next record

     Fetch next from getallrecords into @PictureSetID,@Height,@Width,@PictureID,@Description,@FileName


    --cursor housekeeping

    Close getallrecords

    Deallocate getallrecords

    --Display the non-dup result table

    Select * from #tmp

    --temp table housekeeping

    Drop Table #tmp


  • don't get me started with the unnecessary use of cursors and where is

    @myVar='10,80,90' used in there ?


    * Noel

  • in here:

    A.PictureID not in (0)

    A.PictureID not in (10, 20, 30)


    A.PictureID not in (@myVar)  


  • Yup there's just no need to use a cursor to split the values with the cursor... I don't wanna get started on that either .

  • blah,blah, blah....I'm done & I can leave at 5:00! 

    exec sp_FEATS_pictureX 6, '471,499,460'


    @Concept int,

    @NotIn varchar(100)


    CREATE TABLE #strings (str int NOT NULL)

    exec charlist_to_table_sp @NotIN

    Declare @cnt int,

     @PictureSetID int,

     @Height int,

     @Width int,

     @PictureID int,

     @Description varchar(200),

     @FileName varchar(200)

    --Create Temp output table

    Create  TABLE #tmp

     (PictureSetID int,

     Height int,

     Width int,

     PictureID int,

     Description varchar(200),

     FileName varchar(200))

    --Create cursor of all records (dups included)

    Declare getallrecords cursor local static For

     SELECT TOP 25 A.PictureSetID, B.Height, B.Width, B.PictureID, B.Description, B.FileName

     FROM FEATS_PictureSetItem A, FEATS_Picture B

     WHERE A.PictureSetID = @Concept AND

     A.PictureID not in (Select * from #strings) AND (A.PictureID = B.PictureID)

     GROUP BY B.Description, A.PictureSetID, B.Height, B.Width, B.PictureID, B.FileName


    --open the cursor

    Open getallrecords

    -- Perform the first fetch.

    Fetch next from getallrecords into @PictureSetID,@Height,@Width,@PictureID,@Description,@FileName

    --Loop Thru RecordSet

    While @@fetch_status=0


     --Only INSERT non dup records   

     If (SELECT count(*) from #tmp Where Description LIKE substring(@description, 1, (len(description)-1))+ '%' ) = 0 


       INSERT #tmp (PictureSetID, Height, Width, PictureID, Description, FileName) Values(@PictureSetID,@Height,@Width,@PictureID,@Description,@FileName)


     --get next record

     Fetch next from getallrecords into @PictureSetID,@Height,@Width,@PictureID,@Description,@FileName


    --cursor housekeeping

    Close getallrecords

    Deallocate getallrecords

    --Display the non-dup result table

    Select * from #tmp

    --temp table housekeeping

    Drop Table #tmp

    Drop Table #strings



    CREATE PROCEDURE charlist_to_table_sp

                        @list      ntext,

                        @delimiter char(1) = N',' AS

       DECLARE @pos      int,

               @textpos  int,

               @chunklen smallint,

               @tmpstr   nvarchar(4000),

               @leftover nvarchar(4000),

               @tmpval   nvarchar(4000)


       SELECT @textpos = 1, @leftover = ''

       WHILE @textpos <= datalength(@list) / 2


          SELECT @chunklen = 4000 - datalength(@leftover) / 2

          SELECT @tmpstr = @leftover + substring(@list, @textpos, @chunklen)

          SELECT @textpos = @textpos + @chunklen

          SELECT @pos = charindex(@delimiter, @tmpstr)

          WHILE @pos > 0


             SELECT @tmpval = left(@tmpstr, @pos - 1)

             SELECT @tmpval = ltrim(rtrim(@tmpval))

              INSERT #strings(str) VALUES (@tmpval)

             SELECT @tmpstr = substring(@tmpstr, @pos + 1, len(@tmpstr))

             SELECT @pos = charindex(@delimiter, @tmpstr)


          SELECT @leftover = @tmpstr


        INSERT #strings(str) VALUES(ltrim(rtrim(@leftover)))



  • Good, now we can close this thing.  Make sure you look up the split versions we showed you as they're set based and faster than this one.

  • I have a headache, I'm going to lunch and who cares if it's faster - it's not going on the Space Shuttle...thanks. 

  • sure I would love to see your app scale! ... it will be good for you

    Then I will see you comming for help and other people cursing the developer for performance issues, laughing at the code ... it won't be good for you  


    * Noel

  • Wow, that's much more polite than what I wanted to say.  Let's leave it at that for now... also I'm very glad you don't work for N.A.S.A, they have enough problem with their shuttles as is.

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