remove unwanted rows

  • I have a query that returns 9 rows of data.  I want to remove the rows that cancel each other out by the amt column.  See current results below and desired results.  I am using RefDocNum and AcctDocNum1 as my key fields.

    The LocDbtAmt is the column I want to use to remove rows that cancel each other out.

    sql results

    My desired rows to return would be :







  • Hello,

    would you delete the rows in the database, or in the result set?

    And, please avoid to post photos, use code instead.

    Kind regards,


  • Perhaps something like this?

    MAX(AcctDocNum1) AS AcctDocNum1,
    COUNT(*) = 1
  • GrassHopper wrote:

    I have a query that returns 9 rows of data.  I want to remove the rows that cancel each other out by the amt column.  See current results below and desired results.  I am using RefDocNum and AcctDocNum1 as my key fields.

    The LocDbtAmt is the column I want to use to remove rows that cancel each other out.

    sql results

    My desired rows to return would be :





    You've been here long enough to know about providing sample data in consumable format.

    Also, the word 'remove' suggests that you want to delete rows, is that correct? Or simply exclude them from your results?

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • Setting Consumable data

    IF OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb..#DocData', N'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #DocData;

    CREATE TABLE #DocData (
    RefDocNum char(10) NOT NULL
    , AcctDocNum1 char(10) NOT NULL
    , DocType1 char(2) NOT NULL
    , LocCrdtAmt decimal(18,2) NOT NULL
    , LocDbtAmt decimal(18,2) NOT NULL
    , PRIMARY KEY (RefDocNum, AcctDocNum1)

    INSERT INTO #DocData ( RefDocNum, AcctDocNum1, DocType1, LocCrdtAmt, LocDbtAmt )
    VALUES ( '9118215185', '5110873185', 'K1', 0, 853.95 )
    , ( '9118215185', '5111183781', 'K2', 0, 5.19 )
    , ( '9118215185', '5111183782', 'K1', 0, 853.95 )
    , ( '9118215185', '5111189290', 'K1', 0, 853.95 )
    , ( '9118215185', '5111247172', 'R1', 853.95, 0 )
    , ( '9118215185', '5111247173', 'R1', 853.95, 0 )
    , ( '9118215185', '5111251198', 'R2', 6.37, 0 );

    Querying the uncancelled data - A bit long winded, but seems to get the correct results

    WITH cteDbt AS (
    /* Uniquify Dr records */ SELECT dr.RefDocNum
    , dr.AcctDocNum1
    , dr.DocType1
    , dr.LocCrdtAmt
    , dr.LocDbtAmt
    , drSeq = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY dr.RefDocNum, dr.LocDbtAmt ORDER BY dr.AcctDocNum1 DESC)
    FROM #DocData AS dr
    WHERE dr.LocDbtAmt > 0
    , cteCrt AS (
    /* Uniquify Cr records */ SELECT cr.RefDocNum
    , cr.AcctDocNum1
    , cr.DocType1
    , cr.LocCrdtAmt
    , cr.LocDbtAmt
    , crSeq = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY cr.RefDocNum, cr.LocCrdtAmt ORDER BY cr.AcctDocNum1 DESC)
    FROM #DocData AS cr
    WHERE cr.LocCrdtAmt > 0
    /* Retrieve Dr records with no matching Cr record */SELECT d.RefDocNum, d.AcctDocNum1, d.DocType1, d.LocCrdtAmt, d.LocDbtAmt
    FROM cteDbt AS d
    FROM cteCrt AS ccte
    WHERE ccte.RefDocNum = d.RefDocNum
    AND ccte.LocCrdtAmt = d.LocDbtAmt
    AND ccte.crSeq = d.drSeq
    /* Retrieve Cr records with no matching Dr record */SELECT c.RefDocNum, c.AcctDocNum1, c.DocType1, c.LocCrdtAmt, c.LocDbtAmt
    FROM cteCrt AS c
    FROM cteDbt AS dcte
    WHERE dcte.RefDocNum = c.RefDocNum
    AND dcte.LocDbtAmt = c.LocCrdtAmt
    AND dcte.drSeq = c.crSeq
    ORDER BY RefDocNum, AcctDocNum1;


    RefDocNum   AcctDocNum1  DocType1  LocCrdtAmt  LocDbtAmt
    ---------- ----------- -------- ---------- ---------
    9118215185 5110873185 K1 0.00 853.95
    9118215185 5111183781 K2 0.00 5.19
    9118215185 5111251198 R2 6.37 0.00

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by  DesNorton.
  • Sorry for my lazyness in not providing the consumable data.  I just realized I left out another column (LocDocAmt ) which should be the correct amt column.  This changes the query a little and i'm trying to figure out the logic, can you help?  And no, i'm not wanting to delete the rows.  The desired outcome is the same rows I indicated before.

    Consumable data:

    IF OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb..#DocData', N'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #DocData;

    CREATE TABLE #DocData (

    RefDocNum char(10) NOT NULL

    , AcctDocNum1 char(10) NOT NULL

    , DocType1 char(2) NOT NULL

    , LocCrdtAmt decimal(18,2) NOT NULL

    , LocDbtAmt decimal(18,2) NOT NULL

    , PRIMARY KEY (RefDocNum, AcctDocNum1)


    INSERT INTO #DocData ( RefDocNum, AcctDocNum1, DocType1, LocCrdtAmt, LocDbtAmt, LocDocAmt )

    VALUES ( '9118215185', '5110873185', 'K1', 0, 853.95, 853.95 )

    , ( '9118215185', '5111183781', 'K2', 0, 5.19, 5.19 )

    , ( '9118215185', '5111183782', 'K1', 0, 853.95, 853.95 )

    , ( '9118215185', '5111189290', 'K1', 0, 853.95, 853.95 )

    , ( '9118215185', '5111247172', 'R1', 853.95, 0, -853.95 )

    , ( '9118215185', '5111247173', 'R1', 853.95, 0, -853.95 )

    , ( '9118215185', '5111251198', 'R2', 6.37, 0, -6.37 );


  • I'm not looking to delete, just exclude.  See my response to Des below.  I made an adjustment to the data.  I left out a column by mistake.

  • GrassHopper wrote:

    I'm not looking to delete, just exclude.  See my response to Des below.  I made an adjustment to the data.  I left out a column by mistake.

    Simply include the extra field in the queries

    WITH cteDbt AS (
    /* Uniquify Dr records */
    SELECT dr.RefDocNum
    , dr.AcctDocNum1
    , dr.DocType1
    , dr.LocCrdtAmt
    , dr.LocDbtAmt
    , dr.LocDocAmt
    , drSeq = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY dr.RefDocNum, dr.LocDbtAmt ORDER BY dr.AcctDocNum1 DESC)
    FROM #DocData AS dr
    WHERE dr.LocDbtAmt > 0
    , cteCrt AS (
    /* Uniquify Cr records */
    SELECT cr.RefDocNum
    , cr.AcctDocNum1
    , cr.DocType1
    , cr.LocCrdtAmt
    , cr.LocDbtAmt
    , cr.LocDocAmt
    , crSeq = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY cr.RefDocNum, cr.LocCrdtAmt ORDER BY cr.AcctDocNum1 DESC)
    FROM #DocData AS cr
    WHERE cr.LocCrdtAmt > 0
    /* Retrieve Dr records with no matching Cr record */
    SELECT d.RefDocNum, d.AcctDocNum1, d.DocType1, d.LocCrdtAmt, d.LocDbtAmt, d.LocDocAmt
    FROM cteDbt AS d
    FROM cteCrt AS ccte
    WHERE ccte.RefDocNum = d.RefDocNum
    AND ccte.LocCrdtAmt = d.LocDbtAmt
    AND ccte.crSeq = d.drSeq
    /* Retrieve Cr records with no matching Dr record */
    SELECT c.RefDocNum, c.AcctDocNum1, c.DocType1, c.LocCrdtAmt, c.LocDbtAmt, c.LocDocAmt
    FROM cteCrt AS c
    FROM cteDbt AS dcte
    WHERE dcte.RefDocNum = c.RefDocNum
    AND dcte.LocDbtAmt = c.LocCrdtAmt
    AND dcte.drSeq = c.crSeq
    ORDER BY RefDocNum, AcctDocNum1;
  • DesNorton wrote:

    GrassHopper wrote:

    I'm not looking to delete, just exclude.  See my response to Des below.  I made an adjustment to the data.  I left out a column by mistake.

    Simply include the extra field in the queries

    WITH cteDbt AS (
    /* Uniquify Dr records */
    SELECT dr.RefDocNum
    , dr.AcctDocNum1
    , dr.DocType1
    , dr.LocCrdtAmt
    , dr.LocDbtAmt
    , dr.LocDocAmt
    , drSeq = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY dr.RefDocNum, dr.LocDbtAmt ORDER BY dr.AcctDocNum1 DESC)
    FROM #DocData AS dr
    WHERE dr.LocDbtAmt > 0
    , cteCrt AS (
    /* Uniquify Cr records */
    SELECT cr.RefDocNum
    , cr.AcctDocNum1
    , cr.DocType1
    , cr.LocCrdtAmt
    , cr.LocDbtAmt
    , cr.LocDocAmt
    , crSeq = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY cr.RefDocNum, cr.LocCrdtAmt ORDER BY cr.AcctDocNum1 DESC)
    FROM #DocData AS cr
    WHERE cr.LocCrdtAmt > 0
    /* Retrieve Dr records with no matching Cr record */
    SELECT d.RefDocNum, d.AcctDocNum1, d.DocType1, d.LocCrdtAmt, d.LocDbtAmt, d.LocDocAmt
    FROM cteDbt AS d
    FROM cteCrt AS ccte
    WHERE ccte.RefDocNum = d.RefDocNum
    AND ccte.LocCrdtAmt = d.LocDbtAmt
    AND ccte.crSeq = d.drSeq
    /* Retrieve Cr records with no matching Dr record */
    SELECT c.RefDocNum, c.AcctDocNum1, c.DocType1, c.LocCrdtAmt, c.LocDbtAmt, c.LocDocAmt
    FROM cteCrt AS c
    FROM cteDbt AS dcte
    WHERE dcte.RefDocNum = c.RefDocNum
    AND dcte.LocDbtAmt = c.LocCrdtAmt
    AND dcte.drSeq = c.crSeq
    ORDER BY RefDocNum, AcctDocNum1;

    zero rows were returned. Didn't work for me.  I even made a change in the where clause because I have negative amounts :

    Where dr.LocDocAmt <> 0
  • My code works with the data that you provided.  I cant test against the unknown


  • Try using the LocDocAmt only...that's the only column that matters.  Also, LocDocAmt has negative amounts.  The other amount columns will throw off the results in different examples.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by  GrassHopper.
  • GrassHopper wrote:

    Try using the LocDocAmt only...that's the only column that matters.  Also, LocDocAmt has negative amounts.  The other amount columns will throw off the results in different examples.

    Actually, I think I just saw my mistake...Let me try again.

  • GrassHopper wrote:

    Try using the LocDocAmt only...that's the only column that matters.  Also, LocDocAmt has negative amounts.  The other amount columns will throw off the results in different examples.

    How about you trying to provide representative data instead?

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • Worked!  Thank you Des.

  • Is there a business rule for which of the three values are cancelled out by the two 853.95 entries?

    Just curious because the solution from Des may not be bulletproof without that extra check.

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