Remove scientific notation from xml column

  • I have a xml column as shown below








    When i query for getting balance i do get it as 1.0002E7 . But i want to get it as 10002000 .

    How can i do it?

    I have another question. Can i make any changes so that in xml column it self it store as i required without scientific notation.

    Thank you

  • You can cast scientific values as a float; e.g. SELECT CAST('1.0002E7' AS float)

    Or even more helpfully from the xml itself like such:

    DECLARE @xml xml

    SET @xml = '<Root>







    SELECT @xml.value('/Root[1]/Row[1]/Balance[1]', 'float')

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  • Hi Matthew

    It worked nice. But can i avoid these scientific notation while saving to xml itself?

  • I guess that depends how you're making the xml!

    Follow me on twitter @EvoDBACheck out my blog Natural Selection DBA[/url]

  • Hi matthew..

    i got it

    To change the value in a XML column i need to first extract the value as a float and write it back as an int.

    Something like this.

    update T

    set XMLCol.modify('replace value of (//Balance/text())[1]

    with (sql:column("X.Balance") cast as xs:int?)')

    from @T as T

    cross apply (select @XML.value('(//Balance/text())[1]', 'float')) as X(Balance)

    But i wanted decimal not int. Also i want to restrict the number of digits after decimal point. Do you know how it can be done?

  • I think my point was more along the lines of that it depends on how you are populating the original xml (eg from a table, from an application etc), or if it's coming from a file that you have no control over for example. I'm also not sure whether you can specify the precision of an xsd:decimal type (see the output below and how it removes the decimal point after the cast!) I'm by no means an xml guru mind, so there may be a way of doing this.

    You could try something like the following, but bear in mind that do to the restrictions of updating xml you'd have to do this node by node I think:-

    DECLARE @xml xml

    DECLARE @Value DECIMAL(18, 2)

    DECLARE @ValueASString VARCHAR(255)

    SET @xml = '<Root>







    SELECT @Value = @xml.value('/Root[1]/Row[1]/Balance[1]', 'float')

    SELECT @ValueASString = @Value

    SET @xml.modify('replace value of (/Root[1]/Row[1]/Balance[1]/text())[1] with sql:variable("@ValueASString")')

    SELECT @xml

    SET @xml.modify('replace value of (/Root[1]/Row[1]/Balance[1]/text())[1] with sql:variable("@ValueASString") cast as xs:decimal ?')

    SELECT @xml

    Follow me on twitter @EvoDBACheck out my blog Natural Selection DBA[/url]

  • If you cast the number to numeric when building xml string you'll get rid of sc.notaion

  • If you cast the number to numeric when building xml string you'll get rid of sc.notation

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