Remove Leading Zeros

  • Hello Everyone

    I am working with some odd data and ran across some of the data as having Leading Zeros. I have been trying to write a query to remove the leading zeros and everything after the blank space. From what I can tell, there are always two leading zeros. Not to say that are not more, I just have not found anything other than two leading zeros.

    Original Data:

    005863913 00002

    I am trying to code the query to make the data look like this:


    The code that I have tried is not at all working well. I tried using substring and charindex, but I am missing something. Today feels more like a monday that a friday to me.

    Thank You in advance for all your time, suggestions and assistance.

  • Hi Andrew,

    Here are two options you might consider.

    WITH SampleData AS(

    SELECT '005863913 00002' String)

    SELECT CAST( LEFT( String, CHARINDEX( ' ', String)) AS Int) AS AsInteger,

    SUBSTRING( LEFT( String, CHARINDEX( ' ', String)), PATINDEX( '%[^0]%', String), 8000) AS ASString

    FROM SampleData

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Thanks Luis

    That worked perfectly.

    I hope that you have a very nice weekend

    Andrew SQLDBA

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