Remove cursors without using while loop

  • I'm not trying to be un-kind in anyways but you need to get some training to learn this.

    We can't do the job for you here and there's no way you cant post data for us to help. More to the point I'd never send a fully tested solution to you for such an important system. I think you need to go see your boss and ask for help.

  • [font="Verdana"]

    Hopes, below code might help you out. However you need to look into the logic first, before executing it. And hopes you will make corrections in logic, if any.

    DECLARE @Proc_Name VARCHAR(30),

    @Create_Dttm DATETIME,

    @Bank_File_Txn_SeqId DECIMAL(18, 0),

    @Cust_SeqId DECIMAL(18, 0),

    @Cursor_Bulk_Opened BIT,

    @Bank_ABA_Anbr VARCHAR(9),

    @Debit_Acct_Anbr VARCHAR(13),

    @Dest_Bank_Name VARCHAR(35),

    @Dest_Bank_City VARCHAR(16),

    @Beneficiary_Acct_Anbr VARCHAR(27),

    @Beneficiary_Acct_Name VARCHAR(30),

    @Asset_Wire_Check_Amt DECIMAL(15, 2),

    @Txn_Ind VARCHAR(1),

    @Detail_Txt VARCHAR(140),

    @Advance_ABA_Anbr VARCHAR(9),

    @Advance_Acct_Anbr VARCHAR(20),

    @Eff_Date VARCHAR(8),

    @Debug VARCHAR(1),

    @Create_User_Id VARCHAR(30),

    @Bank_File_SeqId DECIMAL(18, 0)

    DECLARE @SelectTxns TABLE (

    asset_bal_txn_seqid DECIMAL(18, 0),

    txn_ind VARCHAR(1))

    -- Required to insert information into '@SelectTxns' table variable otherwise your next query will give empty result.

    -- Assuming '@SelectTxns' table variable has rows in it...

    Begin Tran

    ;With CTE_Bulk As









    CASE WHEN txn.txn_ind = 'P'

    THEN (SUM(txn.wire_check_amt) *-1)

    ELSE SUM(txn.wire_check_amt)

    END wire_check_amt,

    CASE WHEN Len(Isnull(txn.detail_txt, '')) < 120 THEN Isnull(txn.detail_txt, '')

    ELSE ( LEFT(Isnull(txn.detail_txt, ''), 120) + '...' )

    END detail_txt

    FROMasset_bal_txn txn INNER JOIN @SelectTxns bt

    ON txn.asset_bal_txn_seqid = bt.asset_bal_txn_seqid

    GROUP BYtxn.bank_aba_anbr, txn.debit_acct_anbr, txn.dest_bank_name, txn.dest_bank_city,

    txn.beneficiary_acct_anbr, txn.beneficiary_acct_name, txn.txn_ind, txn.detail_txt


    Insert Into bank_file_txn

    Select '<Columns>' From CTE_Bulk

    Update ABT

    Setasset_bal_txn.bank_file_txn_seqid = Scope_identity()

    From asset_bal_txn ABT Inner Join bank_file_txn On '<concerned columns>'

    Commit Tran

    Let us know,

    -- Mahesh



  • Thank you Mahesh.

  • As stated, there's a lot of concepts you don't seem to be able to grasp;

    one of the ones that everyone mentioned that could help you turn this into a set based transaction is learning how to use the OUTPUT clause. combined with a smart insert, you can insert lots of transactions, and then do that further processing on those newly inserted items as a set

    a purposefully rough example is something like this

    DECLARE @NewTransactions TABLE(ColumnList DataTypes)

    --Get ALL New Transactions all at the same time.

    INSERT INTO bank_file_txn





    INTO @NewTransactions

    SELECT ColumnList From someDataSource

    most of the experienced posters here have expressed the idea that you are probably over your head on this.

    Bringing in a consultant for a day, and following the fixes he might recommend might be the best investment your department could make.

    If this is just a sample of one item to fix, i see a lot of room for improving your processes.


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • mahe2682 (5/20/2011)

    Thanks for your responce. actually i copied somewhere that above code.

    can u help me for this.

    Okay, let's look at this piece by piece, and see what we can do differently.

    DECLARE@Proc_Name VARCHAR(30),

    @Create_Dttm DATETIME,

    @Bank_File_Txn_SeqId DECIMAL(18, 0),

    @Cust_SeqId DECIMAL(18, 0),

    @Cursor_Bulk_Opened BIT,

    @Bank_ABA_Anbr VARCHAR(9),

    @Debit_Acct_Anbr VARCHAR(13),

    @Dest_Bank_Name VARCHAR(35),

    @Dest_Bank_City VARCHAR(16),

    @Beneficiary_Acct_Anbr VARCHAR(27),

    @Beneficiary_Acct_Name VARCHAR(30),

    @Asset_Wire_Check_Amt DECIMAL(15, 2),

    @Txn_Ind VARCHAR(1),

    @Detail_Txt VARCHAR(140),

    @Advance_ABA_Anbr VARCHAR(9),

    @Advance_Acct_Anbr VARCHAR(20),

    @Eff_Date VARCHAR(8),

    @Debug VARCHAR(1),

    @Create_User_Id VARCHAR(30),

    @Bank_File_SeqId DECIMAL(18, 0)These variables are being used to be able to select into from the cursor; since we're getting rid of the cursor, they won't be necessary.

    DECLARE @SelectTxns TABLE (

    asset_bal_txn_seqid DECIMAL(18, 0),

    txn_ind VARCHAR(1))

    I don't see where you are actually inserting any data into this table variable, did you forget to show how you are inserting into it?

    -- LLL 07/26 - Changed grouping so bulk wire data gets summed properly

    DECLARE cursor_bulk CURSOR FOR

    This is part of the cursor code that you want to get rid of








    CASE WHEN txn.txn_ind = 'P'

    THEN (SUM(txn.wire_check_amt) *-1)

    ELSE SUM(txn.wire_check_amt)

    END wire_check_amt,


    WHEN Len(Isnull(txn.detail_txt, '')) < 120 THEN Isnull(txn.detail_txt, '')

    ELSE ( LEFT(Isnull(txn.detail_txt, ''), 120) + '...' )

    END detail_txt

    FROM asset_bal_txn txn

    INNER JOIN @SelectTxns bt

    ON txn.asset_bal_txn_seqid = bt.asset_bal_txn_seqid

    GROUP BY txn.bank_aba_anbr, txn.debit_acct_anbr, txn.dest_bank_name, txn.dest_bank_city,

    txn.beneficiary_acct_anbr, txn.beneficiary_acct_name, txn.txn_ind, txn.detail_txt

    You will want to keep this select statement around to use further down

    OPEN cursor_bulk

    FETCH NEXT FROM cursor_bulk

    INTO@Bank_ABA_Anbr, @Debit_Acct_Anbr, @Dest_Bank_Name, @Dest_Bank_City, @Beneficiary_Acct_Anbr,

    @Beneficiary_Acct_Name, @Txn_Ind, @Asset_Wire_Check_Amt, @Detail_Txt


    BEGINThese are more statements for dealing with the cursor, that we will get rid of

    INSERT INTO bank_file_txn

    (bank_file_seqid, cust_seqid, aba_anbr, acct_anbr, dest_bank_name,

    dest_bank_city, beneficiary_acct_anbr, beneficiary_acct_name,

    txn_amt, detail_txt, change_dttm,






    VALUES (@Bank_File_SeqId,
















    This is the insert statement. The FIRST change that you will want to make to this is to remove the entire VALUES (@variables) clause, and to add select statement from above. Ensure that the columns are lined up properly between the insert into column list, and the select column list.

    SELECT @Bank_File_Txn_SeqId = Scope_identity()Okay, this is the other thing that you want to change on that insert statement. You need to, somehow, get all of the identity column values back out for all of those rows. Thankfully, there is an easy way to do this: the INSERT statement supports the OUTPUT clause, where you can output values from the virtual inserted table, optionally sending them into another table. That table needs to be predefined, and can be either a permanent table, temporary table, or table variable. So, after the "INSERT INTO Table (column(s))", and before the "SELECT columns" statements, you will put the OUTPUT (columns) INTO (table) clause. The first example in the OUTPUT link shows how to do this for an insert statement. You will want to keep the identity column, and all of the columns used in the update statement below.

    UPDATE asset_bal_txn

    SET asset_bal_txn.bank_file_txn_seqid = @Bank_File_Txn_SeqId

    WHERE asset_bal_txn.asset_bal_txn_seqid IN (SELECT asset_bal_txn_seqid FROM @SelectTxns)

    AND asset_bal_txn.bank_aba_anbr = @Bank_ABA_Anbr--**

    AND ISNULL(asset_bal_txn.debit_acct_anbr, '') = ISNULL(@Debit_Acct_Anbr, '')--**

    AND asset_bal_txn.dest_bank_name = @Dest_Bank_Name--**

    AND asset_bal_txn.dest_bank_city = @Dest_Bank_City--**

    AND asset_bal_txn.beneficiary_acct_anbr = @Beneficiary_Acct_Anbr--**

    AND asset_bal_txn.beneficiary_acct_name = @Beneficiary_Acct_Name--**

    AND asset_bal_txn.txn_ind = @Txn_Ind--**

    You will need to change this UPDATE statement to the form where you can join tables (I'm also changing the IN to a joined table also):

    UPDATE t1

    SET col1=j.col1,

    col2=j.col2 -- etc

    FROM asset_bal_txn t1

    JOIN #OutputTempTable j -- joined table

    ON t1.bank_aba_anbr = j.bank_aba_anbr --etc

    JOIN @SelectTxns t3

    ON t1.asset_bal_txn_seqid = t3.asset_bal_txn_seqid

    FETCH NEXT FROM cursor_bulk

    INTO@Bank_ABA_Anbr, @Debit_Acct_Anbr, @Dest_Bank_Name, @Dest_Bank_City, @Beneficiary_Acct_Anbr,

    @Beneficiary_Acct_Name, @Txn_Ind, @Asset_Wire_Check_Amt, @Detail_Txt

    ENDMore cursor related code now not needed.

    One other performance note: I'd consider changing the @SelectTxns table variable to be a temporary table (#SelectTxns), and put an appropriate index (PK, unique, regular) on at least the asset_bal_txn_seqid column. There are differences between table variables and temporary tables, as this article will show: Comparing Table Variables to Temporary Tables[/url]

    As mentioned in my signature line, if you don't understand what this is doing, ASK!.

    As others have mentioned, if you're not sure what you're doing, get someone in to help you out. You don't want to mess up a banking system.

    And, TEST, TEST, TEST, TEST. Then repeat your testing a few more times.

    Note that I'm not giving you the code for how to change this; I'm showing you the process for converting this cursor loop into a set-based solution. It's really pretty straightforward, once you've done it a few times.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
    For better assistance in answering your questions
    Performance Problems
    Common date/time routines
    Understanding and Using APPLY Part 1 & Part 2

  • Mahesh Bote (5/20/2011)


    Hopes, below code might help you out. However you need to look into the logic first, before executing it. And hopes you will make corrections in logic, if any.

    DECLARE @Proc_Name VARCHAR(30),

    @Create_Dttm DATETIME,

    @Bank_File_Txn_SeqId DECIMAL(18, 0),

    @Cust_SeqId DECIMAL(18, 0),

    @Cursor_Bulk_Opened BIT,

    @Bank_ABA_Anbr VARCHAR(9),

    @Debit_Acct_Anbr VARCHAR(13),

    @Dest_Bank_Name VARCHAR(35),

    @Dest_Bank_City VARCHAR(16),

    @Beneficiary_Acct_Anbr VARCHAR(27),

    @Beneficiary_Acct_Name VARCHAR(30),

    @Asset_Wire_Check_Amt DECIMAL(15, 2),

    @Txn_Ind VARCHAR(1),

    @Detail_Txt VARCHAR(140),

    @Advance_ABA_Anbr VARCHAR(9),

    @Advance_Acct_Anbr VARCHAR(20),

    @Eff_Date VARCHAR(8),

    @Debug VARCHAR(1),

    @Create_User_Id VARCHAR(30),

    @Bank_File_SeqId DECIMAL(18, 0)

    DECLARE @SelectTxns TABLE (

    asset_bal_txn_seqid DECIMAL(18, 0),

    txn_ind VARCHAR(1))

    -- Required to insert information into '@SelectTxns' table variable otherwise your next query will give empty result.

    -- Assuming '@SelectTxns' table variable has rows in it...

    Begin Tran

    ;With CTE_Bulk As









    CASE WHEN txn.txn_ind = 'P'

    THEN (SUM(txn.wire_check_amt) *-1)

    ELSE SUM(txn.wire_check_amt)

    END wire_check_amt,

    CASE WHEN Len(Isnull(txn.detail_txt, '')) < 120 THEN Isnull(txn.detail_txt, '')

    ELSE ( LEFT(Isnull(txn.detail_txt, ''), 120) + '...' )

    END detail_txt

    FROMasset_bal_txn txn INNER JOIN @SelectTxns bt

    ON txn.asset_bal_txn_seqid = bt.asset_bal_txn_seqid

    GROUP BYtxn.bank_aba_anbr, txn.debit_acct_anbr, txn.dest_bank_name, txn.dest_bank_city,

    txn.beneficiary_acct_anbr, txn.beneficiary_acct_name, txn.txn_ind, txn.detail_txt


    Insert Into bank_file_txn

    Select '<Columns>' From CTE_Bulk

    Update ABT

    Setasset_bal_txn.bank_file_txn_seqid = Scope_identity()

    From asset_bal_txn ABT Inner Join bank_file_txn On '<concerned columns>'

    Commit Tran

    Let us know,

    -- Mahesh


    This won't work... you can't use scope_identity() in the update statement like that to get values for each row inserted... it will only get the last identity value.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
    For better assistance in answering your questions
    Performance Problems
    Common date/time routines
    Understanding and Using APPLY Part 1 & Part 2

  • thanks lowell

  • Thank you very much mahesh. I am new to cursors. thats y I was getting trouble. I am very sorry to everyone.

  • I have done. Thank you Wayne.

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