August 11, 2006 at 10:11 am
I have a need to remove all CRLFs from a file in my SP.
How can I do this?
Thanks in advance.
August 11, 2006 at 3:01 pm
Unfortunately, this question is ambiguous. If you mean:
"How can I remove al CRLFs from a COLUMN in my TABLE"
"How can I remove al CRLFs from a COLUMN in the output from my Stored Proc"
then an answer can be given.
For the first, you would perform an UPDATE statement, like this:
SET MyColumnWithCRLFs = Replace(MyColumnWithCRLFs, CHAR(13) + CHAR(10), ' ')
NOTE: I replaced the CrLf values with a space. This prevents wrapped lines like:
I think that Billy
is a Poo-poo head
from becoming
I think that Billyis a Poo-poo head (who is Billyis?)
For the second question, use the same sort of construct in your SELECT statement within the Stored Proc.
August 11, 2006 at 5:29 pm
Thanks for the reply but here is what I currently have in my SP and is is putting a CRLF after each row.
What I need is either during this bcp remove CRLFs which I don;t think I can do
after this bcp completes fire up something to remove them in the file.
declare @DBFileName nvarchar(250)
set @DBFileName = '"select substring(h837xsplit,22,250) from ' + DB_NAME() + '..h837x2split order by substring(h837x2split,1,21)"'
declare @FileName nvarchar(250)
/* @PathName and @FileNamex were previously set */
set @FileName = @PathName + @FileNamex
declare @BCP nvarchar(250)
set @BCP = 'bcp ' + @DBFileName + ' queryout ' + @FileName + ' -c'
exec master..xp_cmdshell @BCP
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