February 26, 2009 at 3:05 pm
Hi All,
I've got a couple of queries that run on a linked server. We just upgraded the SQL Server to 2005 from 2000, and since then one of the two queries that are routinely run, has failed. I think I've traced it back to a configuration setting called "remote query timeout" which apparently defaults to 600 (10 minutes). What's peculiar is that the exact same query running with the min() function runs in 42 seconds, while the max() query times out at the 10 minute setting. What is so special about a max() query that it should take so much longer?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Here's the code format for the max() corellated subqueries, which is the same
format as the [faster] min code:
TRUNCATE TABLE MYDB..CompanyLastPurchase;
INSERT INTO MYDB..CompanyLastPurchase(CompanyID, CompanyLastPurchDate, CompanyLastPurchNetTotal)
select c.CompanyID as CompanyID,
REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar(20), d.datedesc, 101), '-', '/') as CompanyLastPurchDate,
sum(f.sales) as CompanyLastPurchNetTotal
from REMOTESERVER.REMOTEDB1.dbo.transactionsdetailfact f with(nolock)
JOIN REMOTESERVER.REMOTEDB1.dbo.DateDim d with (nolock) on d.datekey = f.datekey
JOIN REMOTESERVER.REMOTEDB1.dbo.InvoiceTypeDim it with (nolock) on f.invoiceTypeKey=it.InvoiceTypeKey
JOIN REMOTESERVER.REMOTEDB1.dbo.SalesChannelDim sc with(nolock) on sc.SalesChannelKey = f.SalesChannelKey
JOIN REMOTESERVER.REMOTEDB1.dbo.IndividualDim i with (nolock) on i.IndividualKey = f.IndividualKey
JOIN REMOTESERVER.REMOTEDB1.dbo.CompanyDim c with (nolock) on c.CompanyKey = i.CompanyKey
where d.datedesc =
(select max(d1.datedesc)
from REMOTESERVER.REMOTEDB1.dbo.transactionsdetailfact f1 with(nolock)
JOIN REMOTESERVER.REMOTEDB1.dbo.DateDim d1 with (nolock) on d1.datekey = f1.datekey
JOIN REMOTESERVER.REMOTEDB1.dbo.SalesChannelDim sc1 with(nolock) on sc1.SalesChannelKey = f1.SalesChannelKey
JOIN REMOTESERVER.REMOTEDB1.dbo.IndividualDim i1 with (nolock) on i1.IndividualKey = f1.IndividualKey
JOIN REMOTESERVER.REMOTEDB1.dbo.CompanyDim c1 with (nolock) on c1.CompanyKey = i1.CompanyKey
JOIN REMOTESERVER.REMOTEDB1.dbo.InvoiceTypeDim it1 with (nolock) on f1.InvoiceTypeKey = it1.InvoiceTypeKey
where c1.CompanyKey=c.CompanyKey and
sc1.SalesChannel='Direct' and
sc1.SalesChannelType ='Internal' and
f1.sales >0 and
it1.InvoiceType='Sale' and
c1.CompanyKey >0)
group by c.CompanyID, d.datedesc
March 6, 2009 at 5:14 am
This may be a shot in the dark, because I don't know your data, but...
Have you tried creating an index using the descending order on the datedesc column?
Matija Lah, SQL Server MVP
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