Remote Folder in Linked Server

  • Hello all :

    I am working with a linked server created and destroyed on the fly in order to access dbf files in that way :

    set @prov='Driver={Microsoft Visual FoxPro Driver};SourceDB=D:\descarga\00005\;SourceType=DBF;NULL'

    EXEC master..sp_addlinkedserver 'IMPORT','','MSDASQL',null,null,@prov

    Select * from OPENQUERY (IMPORT,"Select campo1,campo2 from archivo order by campo1")



    exec master..sp_dropserver 'IMPORT'

    This works ok . The folder "D:\descarga\00005" is local to sql server

    If I change the folder to "F:\descarga\00005" where F:\ is a mapped drive in other machine then I get the next error :

    OLE/DB provider returned message: [Microsoft][ODBC Visual FoxPro Driver] file 'clientes.dbf' does not exists..

    The mapped drive F:\ have all rights for "all"

    Please, why can I connect the linked server to files in a mapped drive?

    Thanks in advance.


  • What account is SQL Server running under? If Local System you cannot see the mapped drive.

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