Remi, Noel, sushila, Frank, etc....

  • For some reason, this did not post.  I'll try again. 

    I found something that was simple enough to deal with the issue of a cursor, but also would not compromise releasing any data.  I have changed some of the names of fields, but others are common enough that I simply left them as is...  

    Basically, the #Final table 'can' have a large amount of records dealing with a lot of money.  This particular cursor shows international codes and percentages, but I was able to find one that did not have the added difficulty of prorating the percentages - that gets real messy...   

    The #Intl1 table should be fairly self explanatory. 

    Fortunately, the various codes are simply concatenated into one column, so that should make using this as an example much easier!   

    Thanks for your help.  Hopefully your solution(s) are something we can use in other areas of our coding as well!! 

    -- International Codes and Percentages...

    SELECT C.Country_Name, i.id_intl, i.special_id, i.country_code, i.pct, i.intl_marker

    INTO #intl1

    FROM tb_intl i

         LEFT JOIN Countries C ON( i.country_code = C.NIH_State_Country_Code)

    CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX [CIX_id_intl_award] ON [#intl1]( [id_intl], [special_id] )


    -- This needs to be a cursor as a special_id can have many International Codes...


     SELECT i.id_intl 

     FROM #intl1 i

          INNER JOIN #final f ON( i.special_id = f.special_id)

     GROUP BY i.id_intl

     ORDER BY i.id_intl

    OPEN int_csr

    FETCH int_csr INTO @id_intl

    WHILE @@fetch_status = 0


     UPDATE #final SET

           intl_codes1 = ISNULL( f.intl_codes1, '') + '  ' +

                             CONVERT( varchar, ISNULL( i.country_code, '')) +

                             ' ' + ISNULL( i.country_name, '') + '  ' +

                             CONVERT( varchar, ISNULL( i.pct, '')) + '  ' +

                             CONVERT( varchar, ISNULL( i.intl_marker, ''))

     FROM #final f

          INNER JOIN #intl1 i ON( f.special_id = i.special_id

        AND i.id_intl = @id_intl)

    FETCH int_csr INTO @id_intl


    CLOSE int_csr

    DEALLOCATE int_csr


    I will check as often as I can on your replies!  If you need more information, I will provide what I can. 


    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • Can't convert it without sample data and expected results to make sure we're ok.

  • Crap!  I knew I should have done that...  That will take me a bit of time, (and that is where I have to make sure I do not release any real data...). 

    Sorry for such a novice mistake.  I will get back to this...

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • there's a script to generate the insert statements :

    Help us help you

  • This is very down and dirty, but it gets the point across.  I realized special_id could be used instead of id_intl, but there are other Business Rules, (you will note some problems in comments for the INSERTs) that I chose not to include. 

    Again, thanks in advance...


    DECLARE @id_intl integer

    CREATE TABLE #Final( special_id integer,

                                        intl_codes1 varchar(255))

    INSERT INTO #Final VALUES( 1, '')

    INSERT INTO #Final VALUES( 2, '')

    INSERT INTO #Final VALUES( 3, '')

    INSERT INTO #Final VALUES( 4, '')

    INSERT INTO #Final VALUES( 5, '')

    INSERT INTO #Final VALUES( 6, '')

    INSERT INTO #Final VALUES( 7, '')

    INSERT INTO #Final VALUES( 8, '')

    INSERT INTO #Final VALUES( 9, '')

    INSERT INTO #Final VALUES( 10, '')

    -- International Codes and Percentages...

    -- I cannot change the design of these tables... 

    CREATE TABLE #intl1( id_intl integer IDENTITY(1,1),

                                       Country_Name varchar(80),

                                       special_id integer,

                                       country_code integer,

                                       pct integer,

                                       intl_marker integer)

    INSERT INTO #intl1 VALUES( 'Nigeria', 1, 495, 20, 4)

    INSERT INTO #intl1 VALUES( 'USA', 1, 395, 50, 3)

    INSERT INTO #intl1 VALUES( 'Mexico', 1, 295, 35, 3)

    -- this will exceed 100% - this record is an example of one of our

    -- proration difficulties; but not for this excercise, just and example...

    INSERT INTO #intl1 VALUES( 'Nigeria', 2, 495, 80, 5)

    -- this will only have one intl_codes1 (80% is acceptable...)

    INSERT INTO #intl1 VALUES( 'USA', 3, 395, 20, 4)

    INSERT INTO #intl1 VALUES( 'Nigeria', 3, 495, 20, 4)

    INSERT INTO #intl1 VALUES( 'Nigeria', 3, 495, 50, 3)

    -- another issue not dealt with in this exercise, (choosing one of

    -- multiple records...)

    INSERT INTO #intl1 VALUES( 'Mexico', 4, 295, 50, 4)

    INSERT INTO #intl1 VALUES( 'USA', 4, 395, 50, 6)

    -- this will amount to required 100% 

    -- special_id #5 will have no intl_codes1

    INSERT INTO #intl1 VALUES( 'Puerto Rico', 6, 195, 20, 4)

    INSERT INTO #intl1 VALUES( 'Mexico', 6, 295, 20, 5)

    INSERT INTO #intl1 VALUES( 'El Salvador', 6, 595, 20, 6)

    INSERT INTO #intl1 VALUES( 'Venezuela', 6, 695, 20, 3)

    INSERT INTO #intl1 VALUES( 'USA', 6, 395, 10, 4)

    INSERT INTO #intl1 VALUES( 'Chile', 6, 795, 20, 2)

    -- again, over 100%

    INSERT INTO #intl1 VALUES( 'Nigeria', 7, 495, 20, 2)

    INSERT INTO #intl1 VALUES( 'Tanzania', 7, 895, 80, 3)

    -- this will amount to required 100% 

    INSERT INTO #intl1 VALUES( 'Canada', 8, 995, 25, 1)

    INSERT INTO #intl1 VALUES( 'USA', 8, 395, 25, 2)

    INSERT INTO #intl1 VALUES( 'Russia', 8, 95, 25, 3)

    INSERT INTO #intl1 VALUES( 'Antartica', 8, 550, 25, 4)

    -- this will amount to required 100% 

    INSERT INTO #intl1 VALUES( 'Nigeria', 9, 495, 100, 4)

    -- this will only have one intl_codes1

    INSERT INTO #intl1 VALUES( 'China', 10, 495, 20, 6)

    INSERT INTO #intl1 VALUES( 'Unknown', 10, 1, 20, 6)

    INSERT INTO #intl1 VALUES( 'Tiawan', 10, 25, 20, 5)

    INSERT INTO #intl1 VALUES( 'Japan', 10, 26, 20, 5)

    INSERT INTO #intl1 VALUES( 'Tunisia', 10, 27, 20, 4)

    CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX [CIX_id_intl_award] ON [#intl1]( [id_intl], [special_id] )


    -- This needs to be a cursor as a special_id can have many International Codes...


     SELECT i.id_intl 

     FROM #intl1 i

          INNER JOIN #final f ON( i.special_id = f.special_id)

     GROUP BY i.id_intl

     ORDER BY i.id_intl

    OPEN int_csr

    FETCH int_csr INTO @id_intl

    WHILE @@fetch_status = 0


     UPDATE #final SET

      intl_codes1 = ISNULL( f.intl_codes1, '') + '  ' +

        CONVERT( varchar, ISNULL( i.country_code, '')) + ' ' +

        ISNULL( i.country_name, '') + '  ' + 

        CONVERT( varchar, ISNULL( i.pct, '')) + '  ' +

        CONVERT( varchar, ISNULL( i.intl_marker, ''))

     FROM #final f

          INNER JOIN #intl1 i ON( f.special_id = i.special_id

        AND i.id_intl = @id_intl)

    FETCH int_csr INTO @id_intl


    CLOSE int_csr

    DEALLOCATE int_csr

    SELECT special_id, intl_codes1 FROM #Final

    DROP TABLE #Final

    DROP TABLE #intl1


    special_id                     intl_codes1                                                                                                                  

    ------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    1                                495 Nigeria  20  4  395 USA  50  3  295 Mexico  35  3

    2                                495 Nigeria  80  5

    3                                395 USA  20  4  495 Nigeria  20  4  495 Nigeria  50  3

    4                                295 Mexico  50  4  395 USA  50  6


    6                                195 Puerto Rico  20  4  295 Mexico  20  5  595 El Salvador  20  6  695 Venezuela  20  3  395 USA  10  4  795 Chile  20  2

    7                                495 Nigeria  20  2  895 Tanzania  80  3

    8                                995 Canada  25  1  395 USA  25  2  95 Russia  25  3  550 Antartica  25  4

    9                                495 Nigeria  100  4

    10                               495 China  20  6  1 Unknown  20  6  25 Tiawan  20  5  26 Japan  20  5  27 Tunisia  20  4


    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • Farrell, I've shown this trick so many times I'm surprised you didn't pick it up yet >>>

    IF Object_id('ListTableColumns') > 0

    DROP FUNCTION ListTableColumns


    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ListTableColumns (@TableID as int)

    RETURNS varchar(8000)



    Declare @Items as varchar(8000)

    SET @Items = ''


    @Items = @Items + C.Name + ', '

    FROMdbo.SysColumns C = @TableID

    AND OBJECTPROPERTY(@TableID, 'IsTable') = 1

    ORDER BYC.Name

    SET @Items = LEFT(@Items, ABS(DATALENGTH(@Items) - 2))

    RETURN @Items



    Select dbo.ListTableColumns(Object_id('SysObjects'))

    --base_schema_ver, cache, category, crdate, deltrig, ftcatid, id, indexdel, info, instrig, name, parent_obj, refdate, replinfo, schema_ver, seltrig, stats_schema_ver, status, sysstat, type, uid, updtrig, userstat, version, xtype

    DROP FUNCTION ListTableColumns

    Just convert that fonction to do the concatenation work and you'll be home free WITHOUT temp tables or loops.

  • Thanks.  I knew I should have taken the time to include the other processes. 

    There are a lot of business rules and I cannot really go into them all; in other words, this is really not just concatenating records...  I will see how I can incorporate this approach as I use functions in other areas and really like their use. 

    But, don't you still end up with the same amount of calls back and fourth to capture all of the records for each row?  That is one part of this that I do not fully understand... 

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • It's less efficiant than a single select, but it still takes less ressources than updating a temp table for every occurance of every row and then reselecting the temp table.

  • That's a worthwhile trade off.  Thanks. 

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • Yup this code really deals more with reporting problems than basic sql operations.

  • Sorry its not more exciting... 

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • Governement is not meant to be entertaining .

  • LOL.  Excellent response.   

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

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