Remaining problems after DTS

  • How's it going,

    We recently migrated our database from Access 97 to MS SQL Server 2000 but some things still have us scratching our heads and are plain weird.

    We still use our old Access program files and queries front-end -we are all new to this which is probaly clear from the following.

    1.There appears to be nothing dynamic about the so called dynaset and a provision for resetting the table has to be written into vb code in access if any changes have to be made to the records/table on the sql server but this is not always practical.

    2.dbc changes is advised by Sql server to be used in the vb code where the unique identifier has 'auto number' data type-but unsure where in code. Also it is required only on some computers and not on others but they all have access 97 and an identical copy of the program files

    3. Finally the enterprise manager crashes if you try save any changes to the diagram.

    thanking you


  • Hi,

    1) you are correct if you add fields in a table you have to drop and recreate the linked table. You can do this in code with refreshlink.

    When you add records then the linked table should be updated

    2)autonumber in access is identity in sql server. When upgrading with the upgrade wizzaard this should be converted

    3)I think there is something wrong with the diagram. Did you run dbcc checkdb.



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