Release SQL Memory

  • I have configured SQL to use dynamically use SQL memory.The minimum memory set is 1024MB and Maximum is set to 3072MB.

    During the peak load I noticed that the memory used by SQL had gone to 1900 MB and surprisingly even during the normal load the Memory used does not seem to come down from 1900 MB. Since we have 4 Gb on the system we dont consider this as a problem but is there a way (other than restarting SQL) to release the memory if SQL is not really making use of the acquired Memory.

    Jesus My Saviour

  • Same thing happend with my server also. I think data buffer is occuping the memory. But if the OS requests any memory it will release the unwanted data from data buffer.

  • It's normal for SQL to acquire the memory and it will release it back if the OS needs it. This lets it cache as much as possible, both data and execution plans. Just out of curiousity, are you using the /3GB switch?


  • SQL allocates memory as often as it needs it, then normally unless the OS triggers a release it will keep hold as it anticipates for it to be needed again. Some data as well is cached along with execution plans in the memory. This is where you get speed bennefits with SQL. I am suprised though it stopped at 1900 and am curious about the /3GB switch as well since SQL usually takes 70-90% for this memory reserve.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

  • Hi Andy / Antar

    I am not using the /3Gb switch. It was a good suggestion and i am finding more on whether we should go for it...Please let me know your comments.

    Jesus My Saviour

  • Reason I asked was because you're maxing at 1.9g used. Without 3/GB SQL cannot use more than 2 (about 1.9 really). You have to add /3GB to your boot.ini. At that point SQL can use up to 3g. To go beyond that requires more memory and the /PAE switch.


  • Thanks a lot Andy

    That information was really helpful..

    well we need to do this only on the weekend because we cannot bring down the machines until then...thanks once again.

    Jesus My Saviour

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