Reinstalling SQL to Change Default Collation ??

  • It seems the best way to accomplish setting a new SQL instance default collation is to reinstall SQL. I can detach all my nonsystem databases, and MSDB too I think, then re-attach. But what happens to everything in Master ?? How do I get all my logins ?? What else do I need to watch for ?? Do I need to script everything out & the re-create with the scripts ??

    Any firsthand experience out there ?

  • We prefer having single collation server instances !

    The impact a instance level is a reinstall in our case.

    Mixed collation databases may cause tempdb to have some hickups because

    of collation conflicts


    db default collation is Latin1_General_CS_AS

    server has been installed Latin1_General_CI_AI (so tempdb uses this)

    create table #tmp (col1 char(10) )

    insert into #tmp values ('ABC')

    select *

    from yourtable T1

    inner join #tmp t

    on T1.thename = t.col1 -- confilicts ?

    you'll need to convert to common collation

    declare @teststr varchar(100)

    declare @comparechar char(1)

    select @teststr = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!@#$abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz%^&*()+=|.{[}]<>?/:"-~'';' --COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AI

    select @comparechar = 'k' -- COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AI

    --print CHARINDEX('k',@teststr)

    print CHARINDEX(@comparechar COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AI ,@teststr COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AI )


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  • Use the Rebuild Wizard (Rebuildm.exe), located in the \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\BINN directory. This can be used to pick a new collation. In any case you still need to script out the logins. There are several scripts on this site to do this. It will likely be something like:

    SELECT 'EXEC sp_addlogin @loginame = ''' + l.loginname + ''''

    ,', @defdb = ''' + l.dbname + ''''

    ,', @deflanguage = ''' + l.language + ''''

    ,', @encryptopt = ''skip_encryption'''

    ,', @passwd ='

    , cast(l.password AS varbinary(256))

    ,', @sid ='

    , l.sid

    FROM syslogins l

    Save the output. You will need to run it again after master has been rebuilt


  • After reinstalling SQL, the system databases will have the new collation, but msdb will be empty (no jobs or DTS). If msdb is restored from a backup, then it will get set back to the old collation, right ?? So is there no use for the msdb backup. Just restore the jobs from scripts ?

  • You are right. Script out the jobs and then add them back after the rebuild.


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