reinitialize a subscription

  • If we reinitialize a subscription, we have to take a new snapshot.

    so this will drop the table on the subscriber and create a new one and move the data or it just refreshes the data.

  • It depends on the setting. It will have been set when adding the article to the publication.

    The default is to drop and recreate the table but you can select truncate or delete as an alternative option.

  • Thanks!!

    I really appreciate if you can help me to find where to check these settings?

  • select, CASE sa.pre_creation_cmd WHEN 0 THEN 'None'

    WHEN 1 THEN 'Drop'

    WHEN 2 THEN 'Delete'

    WHEN 3 THEN 'Truncate'


    from sysarticles sa with(nolock) where = 'Table'

    See this article.

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