Reindexing problem(Please help)

  • Thanks All,

    Tonight i will try to follow the support page and perform reindexing and reindexing i will do statistics on database

    if i am doing wrong or some thing bad please do let me . this forum really help me to resolve my issues

    thanks all

    and pray for me.

    Thanks again


  • Bilal,

    The first article that Deepak referenced (902388) was exactly what helped me...(read on)

    Several years ago, I had the same problem with the DB Maintenance plan. This process was failing because of a computed column. It would get through about 30 tables and stop at the same table every time. That table had a computed column. I was using SQL2000 SP3 at the time and we upgraded to SP4 for the purpose of using the '-SupportComputedColumn' switch (that switch isn't supported in SP3). When I put that into the existing DB Maintnenace plan, the error went away.

    Be warned, in SQL 2000 (I don't know about 2005 because I have never used it), if you rerun the Maintenance Wizard after adding your '-SupportComputedColumn' switch, it will be removed, even if you don't do any adjustments to the Indexing area. At least, I'm pretty sure that's's been a long time since I've rerun the wizard. Anymore if I need to adjust these, I go into Enterprise Manager > Server > Maintenance > SQL Server Agent > Jobs...the same place you'd manually add the switch.

    It looks like this...

    EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_sqlmaint N'-PlanID 691BF8F8-0208-4067-8527-7845308E2CEA -Rpt "D:\SQL Logs\NASCOOP All DBs Optimization Plan\NASCOOP All DBs Optimization Plan0.txt" -DelTxtRpt 4WEEKS -WriteHistory -RebldIdx 30 -SupportComputedColumn '

    I know you MUST use capital S and two capital C's and I can't remember but the space afterward may be necessary (I did copy/paste to get that code in my post), but it doesn't hurt to have it there.



  • [rant on]

    Just a general rant here, but it continually amazes me how companies can assign untrained, inexperienced staff to manage their corporation's data in SQL Server. No wonder we still often get a bad rap in the tech communities!!

    I just picked up a holy-shit perf tuning gig where the company's NDA won't even allow me to mention that I ever worked for them! :crazy: They don't want their competitors and clients to know that they a) use sql server in the enterprise and b) can't make it perform acceptably with in-house resources. Sheesh!

    [rant off]

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • thanks all ,

    my jobs run successful but no effect on DB performance , may be i need to look in to other things

    I had perform re indexing

    updated statistics

    and integrity check but still no effect

    what else do i need to look

  • Everybody is not perfect in everything and as for my job , i am not DB expert , i am Linux administrator so as far my concern forums are made to discuss and help each other , so you will find hero's and zero's on every forum

    its not part of any company or stuff.

  • I think you misunderstood the comments made by theSQLGuru. No disrepect was directed towards you. You are not the problem here. You are just doing what you have been tasked to perform. However, you should not have been put in this situation.

    The point was that your company has so little respect for SQL Server that they don't feel it necessary to hire someone who understands SQL Server to solve the problem. There is also the implication that if this was an Oracle installation, there would be someone.

    I however disagree somewhat. I feel that they are just cheap and felt that they can cut costs by not having a DBA.

    A Microsoft reseller might use that as a selling point stating that you don't "Need" a DBA. Of course, the devil is always in the details, and you will be "MUCH" better off if you have one. Or you should pray that you don't run into problems.

  • I've also interpreted thesqlgurus comment as non-personal, but a pointing to a practise that arises more and more.

    Companies should learn sqlserver is way more than an enhancement of msaccess :sick:

    The most common fight we - sqladmins - have to fight is that sqlserver indeed does a good job, but still needs some schooling of a sqladmin, to be able to tackle the most common real life problems, organize a sound DRP, get space under control and have it run as fast as possible.

    In the "other" world (DB2/Oracle) this is generaly accepted !!. They won't even begin with it unless good support is organized.

    Hence the some what longer dev cycles.

    Another problem is that managers seem not to understand sqlserver is getting a "strategic" position within the companie(part). So it only grows without the needed SQLserver staff organization and building.

    Once again, this is not personal.

    Don't hesitate to launch your questions !

    Indeed the mixture of "better" and "not that good" is what makes this forum strong, openminded, feet on the ground.:cool:


    Learn to play, play to learn !

    Dont drive faster than your guardian angel can fly ...
    but keeping both feet on the ground wont get you anywhere :w00t:

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    press F1 for solution, press shift+F1 for urgent solution 😀

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    Who am I ? Sometimes this is me but most of the time this is me

  • try to use Database tunning advisor it could help, and if u have larg tables u should consider partition tables.

    sorry about the feeling that u have,but am sure it wasnt meant like that, any way no one have all the knowledge.never mind..



  • Is your rebuild script\plan trying to rebuild an indexed view? If so you need specific session options set when the connection is made:








    Kendal Van Dyke[/url]

  • ALZDBA (5/22/2008)

    I've also interpreted thesqlgurus comment as non-personal, but a pointing to a practise that arises more and more.

    Companies should learn sqlserver is way more than an enhancement of msaccess :sick:

    The most common fight we - sqladmins - have to fight is that sqlserver indeed does a good job, but still needs some schooling of a sqladmin, to be able to tackle the most common real life problems, organize a sound DRP, get space under control and have it run as fast as possible.

    In the "other" world (DB2/Oracle) this is generaly accepted !!. They won't even begin with it unless good support is organized.

    Hence the some what longer dev cycles.

    Another problem is that managers seem not to understand sqlserver is getting a "strategic" position within the companie(part). So it only grows without the needed SQLserver staff organization and building.

    Once again, this is not personal.

    Don't hesitate to launch your questions !

    Indeed the mixture of "better" and "not that good" is what makes this forum strong, openminded, feet on the ground.:cool:

    It's more of a lack of respect for the data than for the product, IMO. It's a culture thing I suppose, but I see companies with 4 people hiring warehouse managers to keep their inventory tagged, organized, moving, etc... but are amazed they might need the same for their information.

    You'll run into the same issues no matter what your data repository is. If you think Access does any better without someone who understands how it works....think again. It might not have the same bells and whistle - but it groans and squeeks in the same way SQL Server does when you feed it garbage. Badly formatted data + poor typecasting + no indexing+ crap code = bad day all around, no matter what the product is.

    Again - just because a product comes with a set of wizards doesn't take the expertise out of building in the product (same argument occurs between SQL server and Oracle as does between Access and SQL Server).

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • Your reference to was just what the doctor ordered. Thanks!

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