Reindexing all tables ... am I missing something (likely ...)

  • I've been trying to figure out a strategy to reindex my databases and handle the large transaction logs that get created.  I have some 50 databases and the transaction logs get as big as the database itself after reindexing (somewhat of a disk space issue).  What I ended up doing is:

    10:00pm - transaction log backups (last of my hourly backups)

    10:15pm - set databases to simple recovery, reindex all tables in databases, set back to full recovery.  (I stage this over several nights, 5-7 databases an evening).

    Midnight - full backups

    It's that "reindex all tables in databases" that is/was the problem.  I found several scripts here and in other places that did that for me but I was trying to keep things simple.  I ended up using xp_sqlmaint to do the reindexing and I'm wondering if I'm missing something - it seems too easy. 

    This is what I'm doing:

    exec master..xp_sqlmaint '-S myservername -U "sa" -P "mypassword" -D mydatabase -RebldIdx 10'

    How is this different / better / worse than the scripts?



  • The main thing I hate about sqlmaint is it's all or nothing approach.

    Generally, what I would be doing is checking for fragmentation first using DBCC SHOWCONTIG. Then just reindex, or indexdefrag, just those tables that need it. Bit of a waste to reindex a table that doesn't need it. You won't get any real performance benefit out of it.

    I also, wouldn't fiddle with the recovery model. Better off scheduling a DBCC SHRINKFILE after reindexing.


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Phill -

    Thanks for the info, I'll work on writing something with a little less brute force.


  • Use this:

    DECLARE @TName sysname, @IndId int, @Query varchar(4000)

    DECLARE index_cursor CURSOR

       FOR SELECT, sysindexes.indid FROM sysobjects

     Inner join sysindexes on =

    where OBJECTPROPERTY(, N'IsUserTable') = 1

     and sysindexes.indid between 1 and 250

    order by, sysindexes.indid

    OPEN index_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM index_cursor

    Into @TName, @IndId



     SET @Query = 'DBCC INDEXDEFRAG (0, '+ @TName + ', '+ convert(varchar(20), @IndId) + ')'

     PRINT   (@Query)

     EXECUTE (@Query)

     FETCH NEXT FROM index_cursor

     Into @TName, @IndId


    Close index_cursor

    DEALLOCATE index_cursor


    Code for TallyGenerator

  • But isn't this the same approach to what the maintenance plan would do? Only difference is that it runs DBCC INDEXDEFRAG instead of DBCC DBREINDEX.

    Better option is to run DBCC SHOWCONTIG using the WITH TABLERESULTS option. This allows you to capture the output in a table for processing

     CREATE PROCEDURE usp_IndexDefrag 
        @DBase sysname
     , @MaxFrag decimal(9,2) = 30.00
        SET DATEFORMAT dmy
        -- Declare variables
        DECLARE @SQLStmt varchar (500)
        DECLARE @TblNm sysname
        DECLARE @ObjID int
        DECLARE @IdxID int
        DECLARE @intDbID int
        DECLARE @TblID int
        DECLARE @ErrNum int
        SET @ErrNum = 0
        -- Create temp table for output from DBCC SHOWCONTIG
        CREATE TABLE #Fraglist (
            ObjectName sysname NOT NULL
            , ObjectId int NOT NULL
            , IndexName sysname NOT NULL
            , IndexId int NOT NULL
            , Lvl int NOT NULL
            , CountPages int NOT NULL
            , CountRows int NOT NULL
            , MinRecSize int NOT NULL
            , MaxRecSize int NOT NULL
            , AvgRecSize int NOT NULL
            , ForRecCount int NOT NULL
            , Extents int NOT NULL
            , ExtentSwitches int NOT NULL
            , AvgFreeBytes int NOT NULL
            , AvgPageDensity int NOT NULL
            , ScanDensity decimal(9,4) NOT NULL
            , BestCount int NOT NULL
            , ActualCount int NOT NULL
            , LogicalFrag decimal(9,4) NOT NULL
            , ExtentFrag decimal(9,4) NOT NULL
        -- list of tables for DBCC INDEXDEFRAG
        CREATE TABLE #TblList (
            TblID int IDENTITY(1,1)
            , TableName sysname
            , ObjectId int NOT NULL
            , IndexId int NOT NULL
        -- build showcontig statement
        SET @SQLStmt = 'USE ' + @DBase + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
        SET @SQLStmt = @SQLStmt + ', ALL_INDEXES, NO_INFOMSGS'
        -- execute statement storing resuilt in temp table
        INSERT intO #fraglist
        EXEC (@SQLStmt)
        -- Build SQL Statment to select all objects that have a Logical
        -- fragmentation level greater than maximum allowed 
        SET @SQLStmt = 'USE ' + @DBase + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
        SET @SQLStmt = @SQLStmt + 'SELECT Frag.ObjectName, Frag.ObjectId, Frag.IndexId '
        SET @SQLStmt = @SQLStmt + 'FROM #Fraglist Frag '
        SET @SQLStmt = @SQLStmt + 'INNER JOIN [' + @DBase + '].dbo.sysobjects sObj '
        SET @SQLStmt = @SQLStmt + 'ON Frag.ObjectID=sObj.[id] '
        SET @SQLStmt = @SQLStmt + 'WHERE Frag.LogicalFrag>=' + CAST(@MaxFrag as varchar(10))
        SET @SQLStmt = @SQLStmt + ' AND INDEXPROPERTY(Frag.ObjectId, Frag.IndexName, '
        SET @SQLStmt = @SQLStmt + '''IndexDepth'')>0 AND sObj.xtype = ''U'''
        -- clear temp table
        TRUNCATE TABLE #TblList
        -- get list of tables that require a defrag
        INSERT INTO #TblList ( TableName, ObjectId, IndexId )
        EXEC (@SQLStmt)
        SELECT @TblID = COUNT(ObjectID)
        FROM #TblList
        -- Get minimum table ID to prime WHILE loop
        SELECT @TblID = MIN(TblID) FROM #TblList
        -- loop through the list of tables
            -- get IDs for SQL Statement
            SELECT @ObjID = ObjectID
             , @IdxID = indexid
            FROM #TblList
            WHERE TblID = @TblID
            -- build SQL Statment incorporating selected IDs  
            SET @SQLStmt = 'USE ' + @DBase + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
            SET @SQLStmt = @SQLStmt + 'DBCC INDEXDEFRAG (0, '
            SET @SQLStmt = @SQLStmt + RTRIM(@ObjID) + ', '
            SET @SQLStmt = @SQLStmt + RTRIM(@IdxID) + ') WITH NO_INFOMSGS'
            -- Get next table ID for WHILE loop
            SELECT @TblID = MIN(TblID) FROM #TblList WHERE TblID > @TblID
        -- Delete the temporary tables
        DROP TABLE #TblList
        DROP TABLE #fraglist


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

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