Registering servers in MS SSQL 2005

  • Hi all,

    I use SSMS to mange some remote database engines. I registered all the remote engines on my admin server and I could access all the databases in each instance. However, I do not see the little green arrow inside the white circle that shows that connection was successful. Is there any reason why while I am connected but can not see the green arrow?

    I appreciate any clues about this


  • Hi Niyala,

    When you connect to the server in question, are you prompted for login credentials?


  • Thanks for your message. In fact I am using windows authentication mode for all my servers. Connection isn't a problem at all, but I want to see the green arrow.

    I can work on databases and can do everything except for the fact that I do not see the green arrow.



  • I do have the same thing with one of my servers, but it's on a different domain and I choose to specify connection credentials on each new session. I'll try to recreate your issue tonight and will respond tomorrow.

  • none of my registered servers have the green and white arrow only connected servers


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • I believe this is when you dont have access to see the service states on the server in question

  • Hi,

    I do not get what you meant by access to service states. In fact I have admin role on the remote servers too and I have unlimited control over all of them. Therefore, I expect to see the green arrow when I am connected. Could there be another reason that can come as a possible explanation as to why the green arrows are not appearing?



  • Hi,

    The remote servers that you have admin access on, is that using the same account as you are running management studio as on your PC? For example, im a domain admin, and if i run MS as me i get the green arrows on all our servers, if i start MS as a test user with domain user rights then i dont see the green arrows as i dont have access to see the services. It doesnt seem to matter what you register the servers with (windows or sql auth), it uses your windows account.

    Try going to services.msc on your machine and then change the machine to one of the remote servers and see if it connects properly and allows you to view the sql services.

  • Hi,

    Thanks indeed. I have to double check the rights on the remote server and return to you.

    Your hints were useful, as they got me started with more digging into the problem.


  • did this get resolved, I am having issues like this. Even when I open sql mgmt studion on the sql server I still cannot see the green light.

  • Unfortunately, this problem was not solved at all. I could not find out any reason why it is like that.

    I would be glad if you let me know of any solution if you found one.


  • did you try opening computer management console from your machine to remote server and viewing the services? My guess is this will fail. What permissions does your windows account have on the server in question?


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • also, how can I manage all my sql2k5 instances from my PC? or do i have to register all my sql2k5 instances from another sql2k5 Server and manage everything from there?

  • If you are not seeing your registered SQL Servers on your network it may be related to your browser service off because if the browser service is on you will see SQL Servers on the company network even if you don't have the permission to connect to the SQL Servers you see.

    The thing to note I am running VS2005/8 Team Suites I am not sure if that is relevant.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • Hi,

    I think I have seen similar issues if you register SQL Server 2000 server on SSMS(2005).

    Try to use Network Protocol in the connection properties of Server Registration properties.

    Also are the server and your windows account on the same domain like corp\youraccount and corp\sql_service_account?




    Razi, M.

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