registering a remote database

  • Hi there,

    I am having real difficulties registering a remote database in enterprise manager. These are the steps I have taken so far:

    • Made sure the firewall allows us to access the server.
    • I can ping the server.
    • I Have set up an alias in Client network utility as: Server Alias 'sql server name': Network 'TCP/IP': Connection parameters 'IP address of server'.
    • I can do a remote desktop connection to the server.
    • When i try to register the server through enterprise manager, I get the error 'sql server does not exist or access denied'.

    Can anyone help me? Have i forgot to do something? I'm very confused!!

    Thanks in advance, Meg

  • If you're certain that the server is accessible over the network, I'd suggest you investigate the last part of the message - 'access denied'

    Make sure you're trying to register with a valid login/password (from the remote server's point of view)

    Also, can you connect to the server with Query Analyzer?

    Just pinging the server will only tell you that the NIC is responding, nothing else. It won't guarantee that the SQL Server service is ready.


  • Thanks for your response.  I've tried connecting in Query Analyser also, and get the same error message.  The user i am trying to connect as, is one that i just set up.  its a sql server login and it definately has access on the remote server.  Is there anything i need to set up on this remote server in order to let others connect to it??

    thanks again, meg

  • If you fail in QA as well, then there's not much hope of registreing through EM.

    Is there any particular reason that you created an alias in client network utlity?

    If not, try to remove the alias.

    If it still doesn't work (try connecting through QA) try to switch places for default protocol between named pipes and tcp/ip (whichever way)

    If it doesn't work anyway, verify again login and password =;o)


  • Try adding the port number to the connection string.

  • Is there a firewall involved? Some firewall teams turn off TCP Port 1433 as the SLAMMER worm uses that port (it's the default for SQL Server). You could still PING the server since PING uses a differenct protocol/port.

    If the firewall is an issue, there's two solutions:

    1. have the firewall open the port (create a rule to allow authorized systems/users to access the port).

    2. change the port that SQL Server is listening on.


  • Not quite correct.

    SQL Slammer uses UDP port 1434, not TCP 1433



  • Kenneth,

    You are correct, but surely SQLBill is on the right track here - just because you can ping the server doesn't mean that TCP 1433 (or whatever non-default port may be in use) is open for SQL Server connections.  I thought we should clarify that so that MegHardy would know that they should follow-up on SQLBill's comments - although Slammer does not use TCP 1433, most firewalls *will* have TCP 1433 shut off by default, and MegHardy says that there *is* a firewall in the middle.



  • Kenneth,

    Thanks for correcting me. It was a slip of the mind . But Chris is correct, my main point is that usually TCP 1433 is shut off.


  • Oh, yes.

    Being able to ping a server doesn't tell you anything at all except that the TCP/IP stack is up and running.

    You still have no clue whether a particular service is running, or if the service will answer on the port it's listening to (due to a fw or similar).

    You're absolutely correct.

    The same also applies in reverse. One might NOT be able to ping a server, but can still connect to a service successfully.


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