Registered servers

  • We have a requirement to create similar health check jobs for 20 servers now which are in a clustered environment .

    Is there any better option than to create than to create it individually for all 20 servers ?

    Is it pos to create jobs and schedule it in the registered servers panel ?

    Please suggest .


  • are all the health checks different for each server?

    if they are then it would be a case of creating the individual jobs on each server

    if not you could look at a central management server, to which you can register your servers and execute the same queries across the board, this would allow you to create the same jobs with the same commands and schedules, but you would have to do it in T-SQL as I dont think jobs created on a CMS replicate to its registered members


    if your running 2k8 R2 across the board, you could impliment utility control point, which is the management data warehouse of 2005 and 2008, but centralised, otherwise it would be a case of configuring MDW on each server and pulling the information into a centralised area if you wanted to do estate reporting



  • Its helpful to get the results of a query for n number of instances in a registered server list or as you mention in Central management servers list .

    But i need to create a job and schedule it on a daily basis .

    I think creating policies might help but its getting complex out here 🙁


  • You could use multi server jobs, see a tutorial here:

    Ive tried them but found them a bit buggy and dont have time to resolve all the bugs.

    Ensure you set the security correctly or they wont work:

    I had issues creating job steps also (com errors) that i dont have time to resolve.

    Another method would be:

    1. create the job on one of the servers.

    2. script out the job and all components necessary to run the job.

    3. via registered servers, run the script against all of the servers in question.

    4. via another query against the reistered servers, you can kick off the job with sp_start_job sproc.

  • You can create a job via the central management server across all servers which are members of the CMS, but you need to do it in T-SQL, you cant use the wizard to create the job and push it to 20 servers.

    One thing you can do is on one server, generate the job using the wizard, then have it script to a new query window, that way you have the script that you can execute against all of the servers in CMS.

    I dont know about bulk upload of policies but there is the import policy option in CMS where you can give it the XML file of the policies you want to send to the servers, but as I have never done this, I cant say if it does upload to all member servers or just to the one you do the import task on.

  • Create a linked server for all your connected servers.

    Create job in central server using Cursor.



    Declare @LinkedServer varchar(20)

    DECLARE server_name_cursor Cursor READ_ONLY For

    SELECT name from sys.servers

    Declare @cur_stat_Server smallint

    select @cur_stat_Server = CURSOR_STATUS('global','server_name_cursor')

    if @cur_stat_Server = -1

    OPEN server_name_cursor


    FETCH Next From server_name_cursor Into @LinkedServer

    Begin Try

    WHILE @@Fetch_status =0


    Declare @Query nvarchar(2000)

    set @Query = 'your code here'

    exec sp_executesql @Query

    Fetch Next from server_name_cursor Into @LinkedServer


    End Try

    Begin Catch

    GoTo Try_ServerName

    End Catch

    CLOSE server_name_cursor

    DEALLOCATE server_name_cursor


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