RegisterAllProvidersIP = 0 and timeout in failover

  • Good morning all ,

    I have an alwayson instance with a multisubnet listener

    I configured RegisterAllProvidersIP = 0 in order to register a single DNS entry

    HostRecordTTL is configured at 1200 seconds

    I would like if with this configuration I will have timoeout during the failover

    if so how much time is needed for the application to connect to the lsitener


  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

    This is an automated bump to increase visibility of your question.

  • DNS is the attributing factor here, you need to ask your domain/network admins what the sync time is for your environment.

    So take that time, plus up to around 40 minutes depending when your clients last updated from DNS

    40 + DNS Sync Time = up to X minutes before reconnection

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