regarding validations in stored procedure

  • Hi all,

    1.I have input parameters like @age,@date, @time And @gender and output parameter was @paid amt.

    2. I have a conditions like

    a)between monday to friday(upto 9 pm) the doctor consultation fee was like

    Above 10 years -- 200 rs

    between 5-10 years -- 100 r.s

    below 5 years-- 0 r.s

    b) On saturdays the doctor consultation fee was like

    between 0-10 years -- 300 r.s

    above 10 years-- 500 r.s

    c) On sundays the doctor consultation fee was like

    between 0-10 years -- 300 r.s

    above 10 years-- 700 r.s

    d) on nights the consultation fee was like

    between 0-10 years -- 200 r.s

    above 10 years-- 500 r.s

    so i want to write validation in a storedprocedure to met the above conditions.

    please help me out from this task.

    Thanks in Advance,

    Avinash P

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