regarding SQL Server software

  • Hi,

    One of senior guy in our company has send the below mail when I asked him SQL Server software. He replied as below, Can any one tell me what this mean?

    Can we do SQL Server operations via Visual studio 2005? creation of databases, SPs, triggers, connect to other servers and creation of SSIS packages?

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    The SQLServer tools that we need are included in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Professional. Note that we will also need to load Microsoft VB6 (Service Patch 6). VB6 is not available from Microsoft anymore, so we buy Visual Studio for the SQLServer tools and the VB license (instead of we downgrade to VB6).


    Thank You

  • What do you mean "SQL Server Software"? Is it SQLServer Management Studio or what? If this is the software you need, it is bundled with SQLServer (2005 or 2008) itself.

    I see you mentioned Visual Studio 2005, which also is included in SQLServer 2005/2008 installation, limited to SSRS and SSIS.

    Hope this helps


    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Gianluca Sartori (5/29/2009)

    What do you mean "SQL Server Software"? Is it SQLServer Management Studio or what? If this is the software you need, it is bundled with SQLServer (2005 or 2008) itself.

    I see you mentioned Visual Studio 2005, which also is included in SQLServer 2005/2008 installation, limited to SSRS and SSIS.

    Hope this helps


    Thanks for your reply.

    Actually I asked them to install SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition. but I got the reply as mentioned above. he said SQL Server tools will be included in Visual studio. That's is what I confused.

    another question is, Can I install SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition on any Windows Server system and can connect via ODBC from my PC?

    I heard that Dev Edition is almost similar to Enterprise Edition but can use in one system.

    Thanks in advance,


    Thank You

  • A subset of Visual Studio 2005 is bundled with SQLServer and tools are bundled with SQLServer. VB6 is not needed, unless you are planning to code with it, which I would never suggest.

    The SQLServer edition you are installing depends basically on which licenses you have. Dev and Enterprise behave quite the same with slight differences I think you would never notice if you just want a db engine to run queries.

    ODBC is an option for connecting from your app, but I suggest you use OLEDB or SQLNCLI instead.



    Edit: spell check

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Hi Venki

    It depends for what you are going to use SQL server for, Enerprise Edition is free ( if i am right), but its restricted, the main one if you are not a DBA, you cant have a DB more than 4GB, developer as said is the same as enterprise, but you cant use developer for production environment 🙂

  • CrazyMan (5/29/2009)

    Enterprise Edition is free

    I think you mean Express Edition. Enterprise Edition is the most expensive one.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • The SQLServer tools that we need are included in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005

    This is true, but we're talking of the express edition, which have some limitations that you don't want to have if you need to create/develop/maintain SQL projects.

    I think you should install SQL Developer and after that Visual Studio, without the SQL express option.


    Alejandro Pelc

  • Enterprise or Express or Developer, those are all database servers. It sounds like you want the client tools. That's Management Studio and can be installed seperately from any of the various flavors of server.

    You can do what you need to do only using Visual Studio. As a matter of fact, if you get the Team Edition of VS, you manage all your database builds and deployments out of source control, just like you do your code.

    However, as was noted above, VS is a subset of the functionality of SSMS. There really is a bit more that can be done with SSMS just because it's a tool that's oriented towards managing databases while VS is a tool oriented towards writing code.

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
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