Regarding comparing Indexes

  • can someone help me in comparing the indexes from two database. I have a db Adventureworks, i migrated some table and data(some records from all the tables) to a new db say AdventureWorks_New. Now i want to check whether i missed any index. How can i do that. Could you Please help me.


  • MsSqlNew (9/22/2011)

    can someone help me in comparing the indexes from two database. I have a db Adventureworks, i migrated some table and data(some records from all the tables) to a new db say AdventureWorks_New. Now i want to check whether i missed any index. How can i do that. Could you Please help me.


    Use this

    select * from DB1.sys.indexes a join DB1.sys.objects b

    on a.object_id =b.object_id where in (select from DB1.sys.indexes c join DB1.sys.objects d

    on a.object_id =b.object_id)

    and b.type<>'s'and b.type<>'it'

    Muthukkumaran Kaliyamoorthy

  • i think u can do it,

    get all the index names from sys.indexes and put into a temp tables from database1 and database2 and then put a query to just check the difference in both the tables, u come to know the missed indexes.

  • Thanks For responding moorthy,

    I tried it but it is not showing correct results..Are you sure that it works...?

  • MsSqlNew (9/23/2011)

    Thanks For responding moorthy,

    I tried it but it is not showing correct results..Are you sure that it works...?

    I just showed the way. You may modify it as you want.

    Muthukkumaran Kaliyamoorthy

  • You can run below query on both databases and compare the output using some text comparison tool. Don't forget to set your query output to 'Results to Grid' (Ctrl+D), or the generated xml may easily be truncated.

    Note: This method has the advantage that is also works to compare differences created over time in the same database (and you may even be able to reconstruct the old situation from the old output).

    select (


    schema_name(o.schema_id) as [@schema], as [@name],


    select as [@name],

    case ix.is_unique when 1 then 'true' end as [@is_unique],

    case ix.type when 1 then 'true' end as [@is_clustered],


    select col_name(ic.object_id, ic.column_id) as [@name],

    case ic.is_descending_key when 1 then 'true' end as [@is_descending_key]

    from sys.index_columns ic

    where ic.object_id = ix.object_id

    and ic.index_id = ix.index_id

    and not ic.is_included_column = 1

    order by ic.index_column_id

    for xml path('index_column'), type

    ) [index_columns],


    select col_name(ic.object_id, ic.column_id) as [@name],

    case ic.is_descending_key when 1 then 'true' end as [@is_descending_key]

    from sys.index_columns ic

    where ic.object_id = ix.object_id

    and ic.index_id = ix.index_id

    and ic.is_included_column = 1

    order by ic.index_column_id

    for xml path('include_column'), type

    ) [include_columns]

    from sys.indexes ix

    where ix.object_id = o.object_id

    order by ix.index_id

    for xml path('index'), type


    where o.type = 'U'

    for xml path('table'), type




    schema_name(o.schema_id) as [@schema], as [@name],


    select as [@name],

    case ix.is_unique when 1 then 'true' end as [@is_unique],

    case ix.type when 1 then 'true' end as [@is_clustered],


    select col_name(ic.object_id, ic.column_id) as [@name],

    case ic.is_descending_key when 1 then 'true' end as [@is_descending_key]

    from sys.index_columns ic

    where ic.object_id = ix.object_id

    and ic.index_id = ix.index_id

    and not ic.is_included_column = 1

    order by ic.index_column_id

    for xml path('index_column'), type

    ) [index_columns],


    select col_name(ic.object_id, ic.column_id) as [@name],

    case ic.is_descending_key when 1 then 'true' end as [@is_descending_key]

    from sys.index_columns ic

    where ic.object_id = ix.object_id

    and ic.index_id = ix.index_id

    and ic.is_included_column = 1

    order by ic.index_column_id

    for xml path('include_column'), type

    ) [include_columns]

    from sys.indexes ix

    where ix.object_id = o.object_id

    order by ix.index_id

    for xml path('index'), type


    where o.type = 'V'

    for xml path('view'), type


    from sys.objects o

    where not o.is_ms_shipped = 1

    and exists (

    select *

    from sys.indexes ix

    where ix.object_id = o.object_id


    order by schema_name(o.schema_id),

    for xml path(''), root('list'), type

    edit: changed 'U' into o.type = 'V' for the view part.

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    If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?

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