Refreshing User Trial from Production

  • I would like to be able to automate refresh of User Trial once a week from Production. Both are on the same Server.

    Are there any sample scripts which would show me how to do this. I envisage doing this at night but I guess the script would also have to kickout any users who may remain logged in.

  • create and schedule a task

  • Use Data transformation services.

    It will virtually walk you through and you

    should have an option of scheduling


  • Create a task that backs up the main database and restores it to the test database

    using scripts similar to the following:

    BACKUP DATABASE [<DBName>] TO DISK = N'Replication.BAK' WITH INIT, NOUNLOAD, NAME = N'Replication backup', NOSKIP, STATS = 10, NOFORMAT

    and to restore into the Trial db:


    FROM DISK = 'replication.BAK'


    We have our production database replicated to our training database every nightusing the above scripts. Works very well

    Nigel Higgs

    Software Engineer

    RLM Systems Pty Ltd

    Nigel H.
    Lockheed Martin Australia

  • Thanks for the replies. I used Nigel's suggestion which works fine. The only problem I had is if users were still logged in.

    I resolved this by using nhamilton script

    Kick all users out of a DB

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