April 3, 2011 at 12:15 am
Is it possible to refer to other tasks' properties from inside an SSIS Script Task?
For example, our old DTS package had an ActiveX script after every task that logs a trace of each task in a SQL Server table. Something like this:
Set objStep = DTSGlobalVariables.Parent.Steps("ExecuteSQL_GetNewTraceID")
DTSGlobalVariables("cDtsName").Value = DTSGlobalVariables.Parent.Name
DTSGlobalVariables("cStep").Value = "01"
DTSGlobalVariables("cTaskName").Value = objStep.TaskName
DTSGlobalVariables("dtStart").Value = objStep.StartTime
DTSGlobalVariables("dtEnd").Value = objStep.FinishTime
DTSGlobalVariables("intResult").Value = objStep.ExecutionResult
DTSGlobalVariables("cDetail").Value = objStep.Description
DTSGlobalVariables("cTask").Value = "ActiveScript_TraceStep_01"
If DTSGlobalVariables("intResult").Value = 0 Then
Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success
Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Failure
Set objDtsPkg = DTSGlobalVariables.Parent
Set objStepPkg= objDtsPkg.Steps("ActiveScript_FinDts")
End If
In other words, the script would point to the previous step, get its name, start time, end time, its result, and insert this information into a table in SQL Server. The step called ExecuteSQL_TraceEvent is the task that inserts the record.
I'm trying to do this in SSIS but I'm getting the feeling that I cannot read or fetch the properties of other tasks from inside a Script Task. Can someone point me into the right direction on how to do this in SSIS?
Thanks !
April 3, 2011 at 9:29 pm
This sort of script task is not rquired in SSIS. Doing this sort of thing with SSIS is, in fact, generally not possible.
Instead, SSIS gives you this logging functionality out of the box. You can configure the package to log the start/end time of each task simply by configuring logging at the package level. This can be overidden at the task level if you desire. In SQL 2005, if you log activity to a database, logging goes to table dbo.sysdtslog90.
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