Refereshing Report problem

  • Hello,

    I have a report that uses the stored procedure to get data. My report contains two parameter, one of the parameter is set as default value of [&UserID] and the other Parameter is been passed by the URL. I understand that reports are cached within reporting services and clicking refresh (I assume the browser refresh icon or F5) just reloads it from the cache, but is it true?

    In my case I don’t want users to see the toolbar (URL toolbar is set to false) so there is no “view report” button or “refresh” icon. Only thing left is just the browser refresh.

    If I have the report open and at the same time the records in the database changes, I press the browser refresh, I am still looking at the old data. I want make sure always when data in database changes the refresh will reflect that same data.

    Any help I do very much appreciated.

    I have this posted in another Forum as well and response I got from MS Person is this

    "I can reproduce the scenario you posted. This might be caused by the refresh behavior of Internet Explorer. When visit a webpage with the same URL, IE may use an old version of this page which stored in browsing history. In order to force IE to get the new version of the report, we need to press “Ctrl+F5” to refresh the page."

    Is this the way reporting services works?


  • Hi,

    Just done a quick test in my environment and a browser refresh just re-renders the page without calling the stored procedure again. Even if there are tweaks to IE settings this wouldn't be ideal for all browser usage. You do need to rerun the report or refresh from the toolbar, which you can't do.

    There are posts on here for auto refreshing reports which may be your answer to this problem, although the hit on the database will be higher.


  • Thanks so much for the info. I will look into it and also in my case now I have to let our users know the "F5" key is not the refresh for SSRS reports.

    Thanks again

  • If you're calling the report from a URL, add &rs:ClearSession=True. This will cause the broswer to refresh the report everytime it's called.

  • Dave,

    Thank you and thank you and (1000000000 X Thank you). It is working, thanks so very much.


  • You're welcome!

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