referencing a column in an another db

  • Hai,

    I have a table in one db and and I want to reference it into another table which is in some other db on the same server.

    For example:

    1. Table name in first database is "MyTable".

    2. Referencing table name in second database is "ReferenceTable".

    3. I have created one synonym for "MyTable" in second database.

    4. Next I have created one function "CheckReferencingColumn", which returns the status of the record present in the table in first db.

    5. Added check constraint to "ReferencingColumn" column of "ReferenceTable".


    Alter table ReferenceTable Add constraint FK_MyTable_ActualColumn

    check(dbo.CheckReferencingColumn(ReferencingColumn) = 1)

    6. This works fine for me, but I am not sure that it gives any performance issues in use in long running of database.

    can any one please suggest a better way of doing this.

    Thanks & Regards,




  • - IMO referencing tables should reside on the same database for consistency and/or unit of recovery.

    If you did split for performance reasons(split files), check out using filegroups.

    - if you split relationship over a number of db, you'll have to work out

    a DRP procedure to also check interdatabase relationships.

    For use at upgrade time, modification time, recovery time !

    - On the same server you can use cross database ownership so sqlserver can handle security in a better way. Check bol for more info.

    You can also use the 4 part name like

    select ...

    from db1.schema.table T

    inner join db2.schema.table2 T2

    on T.colx = T2.coly


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  • What is the function doing? I tend to agree with the advice above, but I'm curious why you have two databases. Also, hard to tell if there is a performance issue without more information.

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