Red Gate Restore Failed

  • Hi Experts,

    I got below error when tried verfying backup. Got the exact error when tried to restore DB earlier. Please help.

    Thread 0 error:

    Failed to service command. Error code: -2139684860

    Process terminated unexpectedly. Error code: -2139684860 (An abort request is pr

    eventing anything except termination actions.)

    Thread 1 error:

    Failed to service command. Error code: -2139684860

    Process terminated unexpectedly. Error code: -2139684860 (An abort request is pr

    eventing anything except termination actions.)

    Thread 2 error:

    Failed to service command. Error code: -2139684860

    Process terminated unexpectedly. Error code: -2139684860 (An abort request is pr

    eventing anything except termination actions.)

    Thread 3 error:

    Failed to service command. Error code: -2139684860

    Process terminated unexpectedly. Error code: -2139684860 (An abort request is pr

    eventing anything except termination actions.)

    Thread 4 error:

    Failed to service command. Error code: -2139684860

    Process terminated unexpectedly. Error code: -2139684860 (An abort request is pr

    eventing anything except termination actions.)

    Thread 5 error:

    Failed to service command. Error code: -2139684860

    Process terminated unexpectedly. Error code: -2139684860 (An abort request is pr

    eventing anything except termination actions.)

    Thread 6 error:

    Failed to service command. Error code: -2139684860

    Process terminated unexpectedly. Error code: -2139684860 (An abort request is pr

    eventing anything except termination actions.)

    Thread 7 error:

    Failed to service command. Error code: -2139684860

    Process terminated unexpectedly. Error code: -2139684860 (An abort request is pr

    eventing anything except termination actions.)

    Thread 8 error:

    Failed to service command. Error code: -2139684860

    Process terminated unexpectedly. Error code: -2139684860 (An abort request is pr

    eventing anything except termination actions.)

    Thread 9 error:

    Process terminated unexpectedly. Error code: -2139684860 (An abort request is pr

    eventing anything except termination actions.)

    SQL error 3013: SQL error 3013: VERIFY DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

    SQL error 3203: SQL error 3203: Read on "SQLBACKUP_99C5CEA7-1513-442E-BD74-863E8

    E08E80609" failed: 38(Reached the end of the file.)

    SQL Backup exit code: 790

    Last SQL error code: 3203

  • Did you contact Redgate support ? When I used their products I found them to be pretty responsive to questions & problems.

  • Thanks for the quick reply,

    Can you please provide the contact details?

  • I think.

    You could go to the support section of their website and look up the error code(s). There are some references to your error.

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