Recursive stored procedure

  • I have a recursive relationship in a table. Each record has a ParentID field that specifies its parent. I'm trying to write a recursive stored procedure that will give me a comma seperated list of IDs under a given ParentID. How can you write a recursive stored procedure that does that? The cursor is persistant across stored procedures, and that messes everything up... What I want is to be able to pass in a ParentID and get a concatenated list of all child ids - like pass in 1, get '2, 4, 5, 7, 19'. Then I can do an IN() on that id to find all the children. I don't need structure in the output, I just need to find out the ids of all children... Is there any way to do this?

  • DO you also need to get the childrens children in this process?

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

  • Yes. That is the problem. I need to go n levels deep. N should be less than 6, but I still need to drill down like that.

  • Something like this should do the job. Basically this is based on a table (tblEmployees) where the person has an IDENTITY field INDEX and the ReportingMgr field is the reporting manager. This goes thru from a manager number and finds all the children and sub-children. Tested and worked fine.

    CREATE PROCEDURE ip_GetChildList

    @RepMgr VARCHAR(500)



    DECLARE @OutRepMgr AS VARCHAR(8000)

    SET @OutRepMgr = @RepMgr

    CREATE TABLE #tempTbl (

    [mgrval] [int] NOT NULL


    INSERT INTO #tempTbl (mgrval) EXEC ip_GetChildren @RepMgr

    WHILE (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #tempTbl) > 0


    SET @RepMgr = ''

    SELECT @RepMgr = @RepMgr + CAST(mgrval AS VARCHAR(10)) FROM #tempTbl

    SET @OutRepMgr = @OutRepMgr + ', ' + @RepMgr

    INSERT INTO #tempTbl (mgrval) EXEC ip_GetChildren @RepMgr


    DROP TABLE #tempTbl

    SELECT @OutRepMgr AS MgrVals


    CREATE PROCEDURE ip_GetChildren

    @RepMgr VARCHAR(500)



    EXEC ('SELECT [INDEX] AS MgrVal FROM tblemployees WHERE ReportingMgr IN (' + @RepMgr + ')')


    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

  • Here's what I came up with:

    CREATE procedure calc_EMPLTree (

    @ParentEMPL_ID varchar(12),

    @EMPL_IDList varchar(8000) output)


    set nocount on

    declare @EMPL_ID varchar(12)

    declare @TempEMPL_IDList varchar(8000)

    set @EMPL_IDList = @ParentEMPL_ID

    declare userCursor cursor local FORWARD_ONLY

    for select EMPL_ID from tblUser where ParentEMPL_ID=@ParentEMPL_ID

    for read only

    open userCursor

    fetch next from userCursor into @EMPL_ID

    while @@Fetch_Status = 0


    exec calc_EMPLTree @EMPL_ID, @EMPL_IDList=@TempEMPL_IDList output

    if (NOT @TempEMPL_IDList IS NULL)


    if (@EMPL_IDList IS NULL)

    set @EMPL_IDList = @TempEMPL_IDList


    set @EMPL_IDList = @EMPL_IDList + ', ' + @TempEMPL_IDList


    fetch next from userCursor INTO @EMPL_ID


    close userCursor

    deallocate userCursor


    I'm not sure how efficient that is, but it works.

  • As long as it works I say use it, then evaluate it later to make better. The only major thing I see is the use of a cursor which I was avoiding in mine to keep down the memory overhead. Other than that thou looks great to me.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

  • Yeah. This isn't really performance critical, because it'll be run only once a day at midnight. I just need something that works<g>.

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