Recursive query with two parents

  • I am currently struggling with a query to recurse up/down a tree. In real life we have a junction table with two FKs pointing to the parent. Both Id and Parent Id are not nullable. Below is an example of what I am trying to depict without complicating it with the parent table.







    --Book 2/5 are the top most nodes

    DECLARE @id as int = 5

    ;WITH tree

    AS (

    SELECT ChildId,


    1 TreeLevel

    FROM @Temp

    WHERE ParentId = @Id


    --SELECT T.ChildId,

    -- Temp.ParentId,

    -- TreeLevel + 1

    --FROM @Temp Temp

    --INNER JOIN tree t

    --ON t.ChildId = temp.ParentId


    Select * FROM tree

    If I pass in 5 I really need to somehow get that in the childId field so I can treat it like a recursive query. I can't quite figure out how to get the results like this


    5- 4,3,1

  • I think the only problem with your original query was using the ChildID from the wrong table in the second part of the rCTE.

    DECLARE @Temp TABLE (descr CHAR(5), ChildID TINYINT, ParentID TINYINT)

    INSERT @Temp(descr

    , ChildID

    , ParentID









    --Book 2/5 are the top most nodes

    DECLARE @id as int = 5

    ;WITH tree

    AS (

    SELECT ChildId,


    1 TreeLevel,

    CAST(ParentID AS VARCHAR(MAX)) + '/' + CAST(ChildID AS VARCHAR(MAX)) AS TreePath

    FROM @Temp

    WHERE ParentId = @Id



    SELECT Temp.ChildID,


    TreeLevel + 1,

    TreePath + '/' + CAST(Temp.ChildID AS VARCHAR(MAX))

    FROM @Temp Temp

    INNER JOIN tree t

    ON t.ChildId = temp.ParentId


    Select * FROM tree

    I also added a TreePath to help show the path taken.


    PS: Your question says that there are two parents, but then it says that 2/5 are the topmost nodes. These two statements conflict, so I treated 5 as the parent.

    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • That is great work. It is exactly what I needed. Thanks

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