Recursive Query using CTE with SQL server2005

  • Hi,

    I have 2 tables


    UserId UserName LoginName


    1Vijay Teacher001

    2Ningaraju Teacher002

    3Mandir Teacher003

    4Deepak Teacher004

    5Nikethan Teacher005


    UserId Managername







    In the above 2 tables link to be made is between managername and the loginname

    Please fetch me the details, i tried many queries but couldnt get the output which should be as follows

    LoginName ManagerNAme



    Ningaraju Vijay

    Mandir Vijay

    Deepak Mandir

    Nikethan Deepak

    With Regards

    Dakshina Murthy

  • i dn't think so you need to user CTE for it it can be done by following way(as mentioned by you only)..

    declare @tbl_User table( UserID INT, Username varchar(10), LoginName varchar(20))

    declare @tbl_UserProfile table(UserID INT, ManagerName varchar(20))

    insert @tbl_User

    select 1, 'Vijay', 'Teacher001' union all

    select 2, 'Ningaraju', 'Teacher002' union all

    select 3, 'Mandir', 'Teacher003' union all

    select 4, 'Deepak', 'Teacher004' union all

    select 5, 'Nikethan', 'Teacher005'

    insert @tbl_UserProfile

    select 1, NULL union all

    select 2, 'Vijay' union all

    select 3, 'Vijay' union all

    select 4, 'Mandir' union all

    select 5, 'Deepak'

    select * from @tbl_User

    select * from @tbl_UserProfile

    select u.Username, up.ManagerName from @tbl_User u join @tbl_UserProfile up on u.UserID = up.UserID

    Abhijit -

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