Recursive querries in sql2008

  • Dear sir,

    I want to fetch the employee details with different filter conditions whose schema defined below:


    columns : oid, orgname, level, parentid

    values: 10, Unit1, 1, 0

    11, Dept1, 2, 10

    12, Dept2, 2, 10

    13, Section1, 3, 11

    Employee dtls

    columns: eid, empno, orgid

    values: 100, 1234, 13

    Can any body help me in achieving this

    when i sent values like empno : 1234 and orgid = 10 to the stored procedure..

    then it should return the employee details like

    eid , empno, orgid

    100, 1234, 13

  • Did you check Books Online (and especially its examples on the topic)

    Recursive Queries Using Common Table Expressions


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  • i have two tables organization dtls and emp dtls


    columns : oid, orgname, level, parentid

    values: 10, Unit1, 1, 0

    11, Dept1, 2, 10

    12, Dept2, 2, 10

    13, Section1, 3, 11

    Employee dtls

    columns: eid, empno, orgid

    values: 100, 1234, 13

    organization table has parentid which is related its own record

    as example... empdtls has the orgid 13 , it means employee related to section1

    when i try to fetch emp details by passing empid 1234 and org id 13 it is returning details perfetly

    Question: i need to a query where it should return same details when i pass empid 1234 and orgid = 10

    as section is related to unit indirectly

    can u give me such query

  • maybe actual hierarchyid datatype can serve you better with this quest, but here's a shot using a cte:


    WITH cteOrgHierarchy

    AS (

    -- Anchor member definition

    SELECT oid

    , orgname

    , [level]

    , parentid

    , orgname as orgUnit

    , case [level]

    when 2 then orgname

    else ''

    end as orgDep

    , 0 AS OrgLevel

    FROM #organizationdtls

    WHERE parentid = 0


    -- Recursive member definition

    SELECT O.oid

    , O.orgname

    , O.[level]

    , O.parentid

    , H.orgUnit

    , case O.[level]

    when 2 then O.orgname

    else H.orgDep

    end as orgDep

    , H.OrgLevel + 1

    FROM #organizationdtls O

    INNER JOIN cteOrgHierarchy AS H

    ON H.oid = O.parentid


    -- Statement that executes the CTE

    SELECT Emp.*

    , OH.orgname, OH.orgUnit, OH.orgDep

    FROM cteOrgHierarchy OH

    INNER JOIN #Employeedtls AS Emp

    ON Emp.orgid = OH.oid

    WHERE Emp.empno = 1234

    and Emp.orgid = 13


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  • thank you bro.. but it doesn't return emp details when i hit querry like this

    -- Statement that executes the CTE

    SELECT Emp.*

    , OH.orgname, OH.orgUnit, OH.orgDep

    FROM cteOrgHierarchy OH

    INNER JOIN #Employeedtls AS Emp

    ON Emp.orgid = OH.oid

    WHERE OH.oid = 10

    where in this should return same emp details as this employee indirectly related to this unit

  • suhailquadri (12/27/2011)

    thank you bro.. but it doesn't return emp details when i hit querry like this

    -- Statement that executes the CTE

    SELECT Emp.*

    , OH.orgname, OH.orgUnit, OH.orgDep

    FROM cteOrgHierarchy OH

    INNER JOIN #Employeedtls AS Emp

    ON Emp.orgid = OH.oid

    WHERE OH.oid = 10

    where in this should return same emp details as this employee indirectly related to this unit

    I tested it with the data you provided.

    Here's what worked for me and produced this result


    1001234 13Section1Unit1 Dept1

    create table #organizationdtls

    ( oid int

    , orgname varchar(128)

    , [level] int

    , parentid int

    ) ;

    insert into #organizationdtls values ( 10, 'Unit1', 1, 0 ) ;

    insert into #organizationdtls values ( 11, 'Dept1', 2, 10 ) ;

    insert into #organizationdtls values ( 12, 'Dept2', 2, 10 ) ;

    insert into #organizationdtls values ( 13, 'Section1', 3, 11 ) ;

    create table #Employeedtls

    ( eid int

    , empno int

    , orgid int

    ) ;

    insert into #Employeedtls values ( 100, 1234, 13 ) ;

    WITH cteOrgHierarchy

    AS (

    -- Anchor member definition

    SELECT oid

    , orgname

    , [level]

    , parentid

    , orgname as orgUnit

    , case [level]

    when 2 then orgname

    else ''

    end as orgDep

    , 0 AS OrgLevel

    FROM #organizationdtls

    WHERE parentid = 0


    -- Recursive member definition

    SELECT O.oid

    , O.orgname

    , O.[level]

    , O.parentid

    , H.orgUnit

    , case O.[level]

    when 2 then O.orgname

    else H.orgDep

    end as orgDep

    , H.OrgLevel + 1

    FROM #organizationdtls O

    INNER JOIN cteOrgHierarchy AS H

    ON H.oid = O.parentid


    -- Statement that executes the CTE

    SELECT Emp.*

    , OH.orgname, OH.orgUnit, OH.orgDep

    FROM cteOrgHierarchy OH

    INNER JOIN #Employeedtls AS Emp

    ON Emp.orgid = OH.oid

    WHERE Emp.empno = 1234

    and Emp.orgid = 13


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  • kindly pass parameters as oid = 10 but not 13 as oid nor even empid = 1234. It should give same results becz this employee is related to unit 10 at level0

  • kindly pass parameter oid = 10 eg.

    SELECT Emp.*

    , OH.orgname, OH.orgUnit, OH.orgDep

    FROM cteOrgHierarchy OH

    INNER JOIN #Employeedtls AS Emp

    ON Emp.orgid = OH.oid

    WHERE --Emp.empno = 1234


    oh.oid = 10

  • If you want some real help you are going to have to help us help you. You need to post ddl (create table scripts), sample data (insert statements) and desired output based on your sample data. If you take the time to post your question clearly and provide supporting information you will receive tested in return. Take a look at the first link in my signature for best practices on posting questions in a format that is most likely to generate a favorable result.


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  • First of all, in the future, please include the DDL and insert statements ...

    create table dbo.organizationtable(

    oid int primary key,

    orgname varchar(20) not null,

    parentid int not null);

    insert into dbo.organizationtable


    (10, 'unit1', 0),

    (11, 'dept1', 10),

    (12, 'dept2', 10),

    (13, 'sec1', 11);

    create table dbo.stafftable(

    eid int primary key,

    staffno int not null,

    oid int not null);

    insert into dbo.stafftable


    (1, 99, 13);

    Secondly, you don't need to track a level manually. The recursion you are wanting to use will take care of that itself.

    Thirdly, if you want to key off a value, you need a param and you need to start with that oid rather than starting with the parent. If you start with the parent you will get the entire org every time.

    declare @oid int = 10;

    with cteRec as


    select oid,

    nodeLevel = 1

    from dbo.organizationtable

    where oid = @oid

    union all

    select ot.oid,

    nodeLevel = cte.nodeLevel + 1

    from cteRec as cte

    join dbo.organizationtable as ot

    on ot.parentid = cte.oid


    select st.eid,




    from cteRec as cte

    join dbo.stafftable st

    on st.oid = cte.oid;

    Lastly, recursive cte's are terrible at scaling. I would not suggest using the approach for anything but the smallest datasets. I would spend the time to learn how to use the hierarchyid datatype, which facilitates scalable performance.

    └> bt

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  • Well in this case , kindly find the table schema and data below:

    create table #organizationdtls

    ( oid int

    , orgname varchar(128)

    , [level] int

    , parentid int

    ) ;

    insert into #organizationdtls values ( 10, 'Unit1', 1, 0 ) ;

    insert into #organizationdtls values ( 9, 'Unit2', 1, 0 ) ;

    insert into #organizationdtls values ( 11, 'Dept1', 2, 10 ) ;

    insert into #organizationdtls values ( 12, 'Dept2', 2, 9 ) ;

    insert into #organizationdtls values ( 13, 'Section1', 3, 11 ) ;

    create table #Employeedtls

    ( eid int

    , empno int

    , orgid int

    ) ;

    insert into #Employeedtls values ( 100, 1234, 13 ) ;

    insert into #Employeedtls values ( 101, 2222, 12 ) ;

    insert into #Employeedtls values ( 102, 3333, 11 ) ;

    insert into #Employeedtls values ( 103, 1231, 10 ) ;

    cte which i have writted is below:

    with testorg as(

    select oid,orgname,parentid from #organizationdtls where parentid = 0

    union all

    select a.oid,a.orgname,a.parentid from #organizationdtls a inner join testorg t on(a.parentid = t.oid)


    select t.* from testorg t

    Help me in achieving such output if i pass oid = 10 then it should return


    eid staffno oid

    100, 1234,13



    Please help me !!

  • I agree with the hierarchyid datatype being a better choice but you were so close it hurts...

    All you really needed to do was to add an OR condition to your top query and a distinct to the final. As stated above this will not scale well with large datasets but should not be much of an issue with smaller datasets.

    declare @ParentID int = 10

    ;with testorg as(

    select oid, orgname, parentid

    from #organizationdtls

    where parentid = @ParentID or oid = @ParentID

    union all

    select a.oid, a.orgname, a.parentid

    from #organizationdtls a

    inner join testorg t on a.parentid = t.oid


    select distinct t.*

    from testorg t

    order by t.oid


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  • Thanks a lot bro. It helped me a lot but has a little issue back again..

    How should i get employee details when i pass the unit id as well as department id

    eg. if i pass both unit id as 10 and dept id 11 then it should return employee details :

    eid empno orgid

    100 1234 13

    102 3333 11

    103 1231 10

    Can you tell me how can i achieve this? or i am going in wrong track

  • suhailquadri (12/27/2011)

    Thanks a lot bro. It helped me a lot but has a little issue back again..

    How should i get employee details when i pass the unit id as well as department id

    eg. if i pass both unit id as 10 and dept id 11 then it should return employee details :

    eid empno orgid

    100 1234 13

    102 3333 11

    103 1231 10

    Can you tell me how can i achieve this? or i am going in wrong track

    We are kind of back to providing details in your question. You don't have either a "unit id" or a "dept id" in your sample data and you desired output is the same data. I assume these are other columns in your employee table? Perhaps if you could explain what you are looking for all at once it would help. Provide all of the details of what you are looking for. Is this going to be a function? Stored proc? Best guess is you would need the query I provided in one scenario and then you would need to create a second query when you want to filter these other criteria. Probably nothing more than a where clause on the cte should do it.


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  • Well, i am creating a search form for emp details where the emp details are filtered based on four conditions

    1. unit

    2. department

    3. Section and

    4. Employee no.

    As i have already discussed that unit, departmet and section are comming from the single recursive table with the column name parentid.

    Q1: i want to search all employee details based on the above conditions i.e. either filter 1: unit is provided or

    filter 2: unit and department is provided or

    filter 3: unit and department and section is provided

    In all the scenarios, it should return all the employee details matches the above filter conditions...

    Kindly Can you suggest me, on this...

    Sample data for the tables:

    create table #organizationdtls

    ( oid int

    , orgname varchar(128)

    , [level] int

    , parentid int

    ) ;

    insert into #organizationdtls values ( 10, 'Unit1', 1, 0 ) ;

    insert into #organizationdtls values ( 9, 'Unit2', 1, 0 ) ;

    insert into #organizationdtls values ( 11, 'Dept1', 2, 10 ) ;

    insert into #organizationdtls values ( 12, 'Dept2', 2, 9 ) ;

    insert into #organizationdtls values ( 13, 'Section1', 3, 11 ) ;

    create table #Employeedtls

    ( eid int

    , empno int

    , orgid int

    ) ;

    insert into #Employeedtls values ( 100, 1234, 13 ) ;

    insert into #Employeedtls values ( 101, 2222, 12 ) ;

    insert into #Employeedtls values ( 102, 3333, 11 ) ;

    insert into #Employeedtls values ( 103, 1231, 10 ) ;

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