recursive function - help!

  • Server: Msg 16915, Level 16, State 1, Procedure ProductCategoryTree, Line 16

    A cursor with the name 'rs' already exists.



     CategoryId |   CategoryName   | ParentId


             01 | Men's Clothing   |       00

             02 | Women's Clothing |       00

             03 | Men's Shirts     |       01

             04 | Men's Pants      |       01

             05 | Women's Shirts   |       02

             06 | Women's Pants    |       02

             07 | Blouses          |       05

             08 | Dresses          |       02

             09 | Skirts           |       02



    Sku |   Description   | Vendor | CategoryId


    01A | Blue Skirt      | Amanda |         04

    02C | Men's Jeans L   | Charla |         04

    03B | White Blouse S  | Bonnie |         07

    04B | White Blouse XS | Bonnie |         07

    05C | Print T-shirt   | Charla |         03

    06A | Men's Slacks M  | Amanda |         04

    07B | Daisy Pattern   | Bonnie |         08


    CREATE FUNCTION ProductCategoryTree (@CategoryId int)

    RETURNS varchar(200)



            DECLARE @return varchar(200)

            DECLARE @category int

            DECLARE @categoryname varchar(200)

            SET @category = @CategoryID

            WHILE @category <> 0


                    DECLARE rs cursor FOR

                            SELECT CategoryName FROM ProductCategories

                            WHERE CategoryID = @category

                    DECLARE rsParent cursor FOR

                            SELECT ParentCategory FROM ProductCategories

                            WHERE CategoryID = @category

                     OPEN rs

                            FETCH rs INTO @categoryname

                     CLOSE rs

                     OPEN rsParent

                            FETCH rsParent INTO @category

                     CLOSE rsParent

                     SET @return = @categoryname + ' >> ' + @return


            RETURN @return



    SELECT dbo.ProductCategoryTree(CategoryId), Description

    FROM Products WHERE Vendor = 'Bonnie'

    ORDER BY dbo.CategoryTree(CategoryId)

                     Category Tree                 |   Description


    Women's Clothing >> Dresses                    | Daisy Pattern

    Women's Clothing >> Women's Shirts >> Blouses  | White Blouse S

    Women's Clothing >> Women's Shirts >> Blouses  | White Blouse XS

  • You have to deallocate the cursor after you close the cursor.

    Removes a cursor reference. When the last cursor reference is deallocated, the data structures comprising the cursor are released by Microsoft® SQL Server™.

  • It worked... thanks!!!!


    ALTER  FUNCTION dbo.ProductCategoryTree


       @CategoryID int


    RETURNS varchar(200)



            DECLARE @return varchar(200)

            DECLARE @category int

            DECLARE @categoryname varchar(200)

            SET @return = ''

            SET @category = @CategoryID

            WHILE @category <> 0


                    DECLARE rs cursor FOR

                            SELECT CategoryName FROM ProductCategories

                            WHERE CategoryID = @category

                            OPEN rs

                                    FETCH rs INTO @categoryname

                            CLOSE rs

                    DECLARE rsParent cursor FOR

                            SELECT ParentCategory FROM ProductCategories

                            WHERE CategoryID = @category

                            OPEN rsParent

                                    FETCH rsParent INTO @category

                            CLOSE rsParent

                    IF @return <> '' SET @return = ' >> ' + @return

                    SET @return = @categoryname + @return

                    DEALLOCATE rs

                    DEALLOCATE rsParent


            RETURN @return


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