Recursive cross join to get all available combinaisons

  • Ninja's_RGR'us (4/9/2010)

    Any luck on the clr routine?

    Been busy on another thread - writing a SQLCLR routine to return the phase of the moon for a given date :w00t:

    Blame Lowell. I'll get to this soon.

  • Paul White NZ (4/9/2010)

    Ninja's_RGR'us (4/9/2010)

    Any luck on the clr routine?

    Been busy on another thread - writing a SQLCLR routine to return the phase of the moon for a given date :w00t:

    Blame Lowell. I'll get to this soon.

    No hurries, I was just curious...

  • While revisiting the Numbers table solution, I discovered that the following code creates a table from 20 names in 6 seconds on my old laptop:

    USE tempdb;


    IF OBJECT_ID(N'temp..#t', N'U')


    DROP TABLE #t;



    list =


    CASE WHEN N & 1 = 1 THEN 'Alice,' ELSE '' END +

    CASE WHEN N & 2 = 2 THEN 'Bob,' ELSE '' END +

    CASE WHEN N & 4 = 4 THEN 'Carol,' ELSE '' END +

    CASE WHEN N & 8 = 8 THEN 'Dan,' ELSE '' END +

    CASE WHEN N & 16 = 16 THEN 'Eric,' ELSE '' END +

    CASE WHEN N & 32 = 32 THEN 'Frank,' ELSE '' END +

    CASE WHEN N & 64 = 64 THEN 'George,' ELSE '' END +

    CASE WHEN N & 128 = 128 THEN 'Harry,' ELSE '' END +

    CASE WHEN N & 256 = 256 THEN 'Ian,' ELSE '' END +

    CASE WHEN N & 512 = 512 THEN 'John,' ELSE '' END +

    CASE WHEN N & 1024 = 1024 THEN 'Kevin,' ELSE '' END +

    CASE WHEN N & 2048 = 2048 THEN 'Lisa,' ELSE '' END +

    CASE WHEN N & 4096 = 4096 THEN 'Mandy,' ELSE '' END +

    CASE WHEN N & 8192 = 8192 THEN 'Norman,' ELSE '' END +

    CASE WHEN N & 16384 = 16384 THEN 'Oscar,' ELSE '' END +

    CASE WHEN N & 32768 = 32768 THEN 'Paul,' ELSE '' END +

    CASE WHEN N & 65536 = 65536 THEN 'Quincy,' ELSE '' END +

    CASE WHEN N & 131072 = 131072 THEN 'Roger,' ELSE '' END +

    CASE WHEN N & 262144 = 262144 THEN 'Sam,' ELSE '' END +

    CASE WHEN N & 524288 = 524288 THEN 'Terri,' ELSE '' END


    INTO #t

    FROM dbo.Numbers(POWER(2, 20) - 1);

  • Paul White NZ (4/10/2010)

    While revisiting the Numbers table solution, I discovered that the following code creates a table from 20 names in 6 seconds on my old laptop:

    USE tempdb;


    IF OBJECT_ID(N'temp..#t', N'U')


    DROP TABLE #t;



    list =


    CASE WHEN N & 1 = 1 THEN 'Alice,' ELSE '' END +

    CASE WHEN N & 2 = 2 THEN 'Bob,' ELSE '' END +

    CASE WHEN N & 4 = 4 THEN 'Carol,' ELSE '' END +

    CASE WHEN N & 8 = 8 THEN 'Dan,' ELSE '' END +

    CASE WHEN N & 16 = 16 THEN 'Eric,' ELSE '' END +

    CASE WHEN N & 32 = 32 THEN 'Frank,' ELSE '' END +

    CASE WHEN N & 64 = 64 THEN 'George,' ELSE '' END +

    CASE WHEN N & 128 = 128 THEN 'Harry,' ELSE '' END +

    CASE WHEN N & 256 = 256 THEN 'Ian,' ELSE '' END +

    CASE WHEN N & 512 = 512 THEN 'John,' ELSE '' END +

    CASE WHEN N & 1024 = 1024 THEN 'Kevin,' ELSE '' END +

    CASE WHEN N & 2048 = 2048 THEN 'Lisa,' ELSE '' END +

    CASE WHEN N & 4096 = 4096 THEN 'Mandy,' ELSE '' END +

    CASE WHEN N & 8192 = 8192 THEN 'Norman,' ELSE '' END +

    CASE WHEN N & 16384 = 16384 THEN 'Oscar,' ELSE '' END +

    CASE WHEN N & 32768 = 32768 THEN 'Paul,' ELSE '' END +

    CASE WHEN N & 65536 = 65536 THEN 'Quincy,' ELSE '' END +

    CASE WHEN N & 131072 = 131072 THEN 'Roger,' ELSE '' END +

    CASE WHEN N & 262144 = 262144 THEN 'Sam,' ELSE '' END +

    CASE WHEN N & 524288 = 524288 THEN 'Terri,' ELSE '' END


    INTO #t

    FROM dbo.Numbers(POWER(2, 20) - 1);

    Wow that's fast... under 3 secs on our prod server.

    Only 3 more secs to shave off boys ! 😉

  • Ninja's_RGR'us (4/10/2010)

    Wow that's fast... under 3 secs on our prod server.

    Only 3 more secs to shave off boys ! 😉

    If my math skills are anywhere near where I think they are, you now want the routine to go back in time? DBCC TimeWarp?

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
    For better assistance in answering your questions
    Performance Problems
    Common date/time routines
    Understanding and Using APPLY Part 1 & Part 2

  • Ninja's_RGR'us (4/10/2010)

    Wow that's fast... under 3 secs on our prod server.

    Now you have made my laptop feel inadequate 🙁

  • DBCC TimeWarp would be so usefull for this one :-D.

  • Ninja's_RGR'us (4/9/2010)

    -- Maxrows = 16: (65,535 row(s) affected) / 00:00:02

    -- Maxrows = 20: (1,048,575 row(s) affected) / 00:00:46

    -- Maxrows = 21: (2,097,151 row(s) affected) / 00:01:33

    -- Maxrows = 22: (4,194,303 row(s) affected) / 00:03:08

    I'm not sure I'm using it right...

    -- 16 : 65518

    -- 20 : 1048554

    That's the WHERE clause, which filters out the single row in the result set which contains all values plus other rows which contain only a single value.

    Maxrows = 16: (65,535 row(s) affected) without the WHERE clause

    16 : 65518 with the WHERE clause filtering out 16+1 rows

    Heh in any case, it's a little sluggish compared to Paul's code 😉

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Chris Morris-439714 (4/12/2010)

    Heh in any case, it's a little sluggish...

    But full of recursive awesomeness!!!

    Great code.

  • Paul White NZ (4/12/2010)

    Chris Morris-439714 (4/12/2010)

    Heh in any case, it's a little sluggish...

    But full of recursive awesomeness!!!

    Great code.

    But so slow! I've got a little library of rCTE's now for a variety of jobs, but they're mostly code curiosities which have quicker equivalents using more conventional TSQL - no opportunity yet to say "the fastest solution for this is a rCTE".

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Nice examples.

    IMO for a very temporary solution it still may be tolerable ... to use a hybrid solution

    CREATE function ufn_GetOrderDetailsCombinations ( @PurchaseOrderID int )

    returns table


    return (


    Select *

    from ufn_GetOrderDetailsCombinations ( 167 )




    with cteOrderDetailSeq

    as ( --Minimize the data scope as soon as possible !

    SELECT POD.PurchaseOrderID

    , convert(varchar(5000), POD.PurchaseOrderDetailID) + ' (' + convert(char(10), POH.ShipDate, 121) + ')' as OrderDetailInfo

    , rank() over ( partition by POD.PurchaseOrderID order by POD.PurchaseOrderID, POD.PurchaseOrderDetailID ) as SEQNR

    FROM [AdventureWorks].[Purchasing].[PurchaseOrderHeader] POH

    INNER JOIN [AdventureWorks].[Purchasing].[PurchaseOrderDetail] POD

    on POD.PurchaseOrderID = POH.PurchaseOrderID

    Where POH.PurchaseOrderID = @PurchaseOrderID

    ) ,


    as (

    Select count(*) as MaxMembers

    from cteOrderDetailSeq

    ) ,


    AS ( -- Chris Morris-439714 calculator cte

    SELECT ColumnNo = 1

    , Number = 1

    , Store = CAST(' 1' AS VARCHAR(3000))


    SELECT ColumnNo = CASE WHEN lr.Number = tr.MaxRows THEN lr.ColumnNo - 1

    ELSE lr.ColumnNo + 1


    , Number = CASE WHEN lr.Number = tr.MaxRows

    -- go back one 3-char column position, increment number found there

    THEN CAST(RIGHT(LEFT(lr.Store, ( lr.ColumnNo - 1 ) * 3), 3) AS INT) + 1

    ELSE lr.Number + 1


    , Store = CASE WHEN lr.Number = tr.MaxRows THEN CAST(LEFT(lr.Store, ( lr.ColumnNo - 2 ) * 3) -- < chop off last two 3-char column positions

    + RIGHT(' ' + LTRIM(STR( -- < add new Number

    CAST(RIGHT(LEFT(lr.Store, ( lr.ColumnNo - 1 ) * 3), 3) AS INT) + 1)), 3) AS VARCHAR(3000))

    ELSE CAST(lr.Store + RIGHT(' ' + LTRIM(STR(lr.Number + 1)), 3) AS VARCHAR(3000))


    FROM cteCompositions lr


    Select MaxMembers as MaxRows

    from cteMaxMembers

    ) tr

    ON NOT (

    lr.ColumnNo = 1

    AND lr.Number = tr.MaxRows


    ) ,


    as (

    Select ODS.PurchaseOrderID

    , ODS.OrderDetailInfo

    , C.Store

    from cteCompositions C

    /* replace spaces with split character */

    cross apply master.dbo.fn_ALZDBA_Split(replace(replace(C.Store, ' ', ';'),' ',';'), ';') S

    inner join cteOrderDetailSeq ODS

    on ODS.SEQNR = S.item


    Select C.PurchaseOrderID

    , STUFF((

    SELECT COALESCE(',' + S1.OrderDetailInfo, '')

    FROM cteCompose S1

    WHERE S1.PurchaseOrderID = C.PurchaseOrderID

    and S1.Store = C.Store


    XML PATH('')

    ), 1, 1, '') as OrderDetails

    from cteCompose C

    group by C.PurchaseOrderID

    , C.Store

    ) ;


    Select *

    from ufn_GetOrderDetailsCombinations ( 167 )




    (63 row(s) affected)

    CPU time = 172 ms, elapsed time = 409 ms.


    Select *

    from ufn_GetOrderDetailsCombinations ( 455 )




    (1023 row(s) affected)

    CPU time = 4766 ms, elapsed time = 8744 ms.


























    Although an enduser may not be very happy if (s)he has to pick one out of 1023 😉


    Learn to play, play to learn !

    Dont drive faster than your guardian angel can fly ...
    but keeping both feet on the ground wont get you anywhere :w00t:

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  • Thanks a million to all who've helped on this problem.

    I've had a very happy conclusion yesterday. After being told but the erp cie that it was impossible to add the field we needed and hence have the correct design, I've found out about 2 other ledgers in the system and if I cross both of them I can get the actual document # for each line of the invoices and shippings. That means that I can simply do a distinct in a derived table + concatenation which gives the results well under 1 sec for even 10 000 documents.

    Maybe there's a God after all :w00t:.

  • Always nice to get a happy ending 🙂

  • I may be way off... but this seems like a simple binary problem to me.

    DECLARE @People TABLE (Person VARCHAR(50))

    INSERT INTO @People VALUES ('Ted')

    INSERT INTO @People VALUES ('Tom')

    INSERT INTO @People VALUES ('Mary')

    INSERT INTO @People VALUES ('Sue')

    --INSERT INTO @People VALUES ('Frank')

    ; WITH --"Inline" CTE Driven "Tally Table" produces values up to 10K... enough to cover VARCHAR(8000).

    E1(N) AS ( --=== Create Ten 1's very quickly


    FROM (SELECT 1 N0, 1 N1, 1 N2, 1 N3, 1 N4, 1 N5, 1 N6, 1 N7, 1 N8, 1 N9) AS E0

    UNPIVOT (N FOR Nx IN (N0, N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7, N8, N9)) AS unpvt

    ), --10

    E2(N) AS (SELECT 1 FROM E1 a, E1 b), --100

    --E4(N) AS (SELECT 1 FROM E2 a, E2 b), --10,000


    SELECT N, Person

    FROM cteTally

    JOIN (SELECT Person, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Person) R, POWER(2,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Person)-1) B /* Bitflag - I am sure there is a better way to do this */

    FROM @People) P

    ON P.B & N = P.B

    WHERE N <= POWER(2,(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM @People))


    And then you have your list. All you would have to do is at your count filter or whatever you needed to do with this data set.

    Hope it helps!

    (p.s. Just saw a post from Jeff Moden on the tally CTE... had to give it a try... thanks Jeff! 🙂 )

  • I tried with those values... and I got only 319 rows back... only 1M short of the correct answer

    DECLARE @People TABLE (Person VARCHAR(50))

    INSERT INTO @People VALUES ('0')

    INSERT INTO @People VALUES ('1')

    INSERT INTO @People VALUES ('2')

    INSERT INTO @People VALUES ('3')

    INSERT INTO @People VALUES ('4')

    INSERT INTO @People VALUES ('5')

    INSERT INTO @People VALUES ('6')

    INSERT INTO @People VALUES ('7')

    INSERT INTO @People VALUES ('8')

    INSERT INTO @People VALUES ('9')

    INSERT INTO @People VALUES ('10')

    INSERT INTO @People VALUES ('11')

    INSERT INTO @People VALUES ('12')

    INSERT INTO @People VALUES ('13')

    INSERT INTO @People VALUES ('14')

    INSERT INTO @People VALUES ('15')

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