Recursion Help - CTE

  • Hi, I need help on how to calculate a moving index, based on values in another column. Here's my data:

    CREATE TABLE #temp_RecursionHelp2(

    MonthNumber int NULL,

    FInalMOM float NULL,

    IndexedPerc float NULL



    insert into #temp_RecursionHelp2


    (1, 1.30613547,100),

    (2, 1.30613547,NULL),

    (3, 1.30613547,NULL),

    (4, -0.2058964,NULL),

    (5, -0.2058964,NULL),

    (6, -0.2058964,NULL),

    (7, -0.70990703,NULL),

    (8, -1.21391765,NULL),

    (9, 0.80212484,NULL),

    (10, -0.2058964,NULL),

    (11, -1.2139176,NULL),

    (12, -0.70990703,NULL);

    What I want to do is recursively update IndexedPerc using the IndexedPerc value from the previous month. So, for example, IndexedPerc for MonthNumber 2 should be:

    MonthNumber 1's IndexedPerc + (MonthNumber 2's FinalMON value + 100)/100


    100 + (1.30613547 + 100)/100

    And then, Month 3's Indexed Perc value is calculated from this:

    MonthNumber 2's IndexedPerc + (MonthNumber 3's FinalMON value + 100)/100


    I can do it with a loop but have a feeling a recursive CTE may help, but can't get the syntax right. Any help greatly appreciated.

    Thanks - Jaosn

  • This seems to be some sort of running total.

    You can solve this without a cursor and without a recursive CTE.

    Read the following (long and advanced) article by Jeff Moden on running totals:

    Solving the Running Total and Ordinal Rank Problems[/url]

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