Recreating Transaction Log From Scratch

  • Hello, my objective is to rebuild a new transaction log from scratch. The existing one is way too large and I just don't want to truncate it, I want it gone and a new, smaller one to take its' place. I'm new to SqlServer 2000 and I've used the backup and truncate trans log function in the past. This is not making it a small as I would like. Also, is there a minimal size that it can be defined and let it grow out from that point ?

    Can anyone let me know if what I'm asking can be done ? If so, please briefly outline the steps that you would do in order to accomplish this task.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Try this

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.usp_ReCreateTranLog






    Phillip Carter


    26 Feb 2002


    Detach and reattach database without specifying transaction log.

    causing SQL Server to create log file with default size of 512kb


    Ensure user is member of sysadmin role

    Ensure database specified is not a system database

    Ensure database is not being used by any active processes

    Ensure Transaction log has been backed up

    Retrieve path and filename for database from sysdatabases table

    Detach database

    Rename transaction log file


    @vtDbName sysname - the database to detach and re-attach


    @iErr int as RETURN - non-zero value indicates failure




    dd/mm/yyyyWhowhat, why



    @vtDbName sysname


    BEGIN -- procedure

    DECLARE @vtProcName sysname

    DECLARE @vtMsg varchar(255)

    DECLARE @iErr int

    DECLARE @iCnt int

    DECLARE @vtDBPath nvarchar(260)

    DECLARE @vtLogPath nvarchar(260)

    DECLARE @vtLogName nvarchar(128)

    DECLARE @vtSQL nvarchar(1000)

    DECLARE @vtParm nvarchar(1000)

    DECLARE @vtCmd nvarchar(1000)

    DECLARE @vtFDate nvarchar(12)

    DECLARE @dtLastBkp datetime

    -- initialise variables

    SET @vtProcName = 'usp_ReCreateTranLog'

    SET @iErr = 0

    SET @iCnt = 0

    SET @vtDBPath = ''

    SET @vtLogPath = ''

    SET @vtLogName = ''

    SET @vtSQL = ''

    SET @vtParm = ''

    SET @vtCmd = ''

    SET @vtFDate = ''

    SET @dtLastBkp = ''

    -- make sure only 'sa' users execute this script

    IF Is_SrvRoleMember('sysadmin') = 1

    BEGIN -- user is sa

    -- check if database is a system database

    IF @vtDBName NOT IN ('master', 'msdb', 'tempdb', 'model')

    BEGIN -- not system database

    -- check if database exists

    SELECT @iCnt = dbid

    FROM master..sysdatabases

    WHERE name = @vtDbName

    IF @iCnt > 0

    BEGIN -- database found

    -- retrieve last backup date

    SELECT @dtLastBkp = Max(backup_finish_date)

    FROM msdb.dbo.backupset

    WHERE database_name = @vtDbName

    AND type = 'L'

    -- check if transaction log was backed up today

    IF DateDiff(dy, @dtLastBkp, GetDate()) = 0

    BEGIN -- transaction log backed up

    -- re-initialise count variable

    SET @iCnt = 0

    -- check for existing processes using database

    SELECT @iCnt = Count(sPro.spid)

    FROM master..sysprocesses sPro

    INNER JOIN master..sysdatabases sDb

    ON sPro.dbid = sDb.dbid

    WHERE = @vtDbName

    -- if @iCnt is zero do the detach/attach

    IF @iCnt = 0

    BEGIN -- detach and re-attach

    -- create dynamic SQL to retrieve Log device name

    SET @vtSQL = N'SELECT @vtLogName = name FROM ' + @vtDbName

    SET @vtSQL = @vtSQL + '.dbo.sysfiles1 WHERE FileID = 2'

    SET @vtParm = N'@vtLogName nvarchar(128) OUTPUT'

    -- execute dynamic SQL to retrieve Log device name

    EXEC sp_ExecuteSQL @vtSQL, @vtParm, @vtLogName OUTPUT

    -- create dynamic SQL to retrieve Log filename

    SET @vtSQL = N'SELECT @vtLogPath = filename FROM ' + @vtDbName

    SET @vtSQL = @vtSQL + '.dbo.sysfiles1 WHERE FileID = 2'

    SET @vtParm = N'@vtLogPath nvarchar(260) OUTPUT'

    -- execute dynamic SQL to retrieve Log filename

    EXEC sp_ExecuteSQL @vtSQL, @vtParm, @vtLogPath OUTPUT

    -- create dynamic SQL to retrieve database filename

    SET @vtSQL = N'SELECT @vtDbPath = filename FROM ' + @vtDbName

    SET @vtSQL = @vtSQL + '.dbo.sysfiles1 WHERE FileID = 1'

    SET @vtParm = N'@vtDbPath nvarchar(260) OUTPUT'

    -- execute dynamic SQL to retrieve database filename

    EXEC sp_ExecuteSQL @vtSQL, @vtParm, @vtDbPath OUTPUT

    -- trim trailing spaces

    SET @vtDbName = RTrim(@vtDbName)

    SET @vtDbPath = RTrim(@vtDbPath)

    SET @vtLogName = RTrim(@vtLogName)

    SET @vtLogPath = RTrim(@vtLogPath)

    -- build date string to append to existing log filename

    SET @vtFDate = Right('0000' + Cast(DatePart(yy, GetDate()) as varchar(4)), 4)

    SET @vtFDate = @vtFDate + Right('00' + Cast(DatePart(mm, GetDate()) as varchar(2)), 2)

    SET @vtFDate = @vtFDate + Right('00' + Cast(DatePart(dd, GetDate()) as varchar(2)), 2)

    SET @vtFDate = @vtFDate + Right('00' + Cast(DatePart(hh, GetDate()) as varchar(2)), 2)

    SET @vtFDate = @vtFDate + Right('00' + Cast(DatePart(mi, GetDate()) as varchar(2)), 2)

    -- detach database

    EXEC @iErr = sp_Detach_db @vtDbName

    IF @iErr = 0

    BEGIN -- detach successful

    -- rename old log file

    SET @vtCmd = 'REN ' + @vtLogPath + ' ' + @vtLogName + '.' + @vtFDate

    EXEC @iErr = xp_CmdShell @vtCmd, no_output

    IF @iErr <> 0

    BEGIN -- rename failed

    -- build message

    SET @vtMsg = CAST(GetDate() as varchar(30)) + ': ' + @vtProcName + ' - '

    SET @vtMsg = @vtMsg + 'Error renaming old transaction log for database ' + @vtDBName + '.'

    -- log message

    RAISERROR(@vtMsg, 18, 1) WITH LOG

    END -- rename failed

    -- re-attach database without tran log file

    -- if rename failed the existing tran log file will be used

    EXEC @iErr = sp_Attach_db @vtDbName, @vtDBPath

    IF @iErr <> 0

    BEGIN -- re-attach failed

    -- build message

    SET @vtMsg = CAST(GetDate() as varchar(30)) + ': ' + @vtProcName + ' - '

    SET @vtMsg = @vtMsg + 'Error re-attaching database ' + @vtDBName + '.'

    -- log message

    RAISERROR(@vtMsg, 18, 1) WITH LOG

    END -- re-attach failed

    END -- detach successful


    BEGIN -- detach failed

    -- build message

    SET @vtMsg = CAST(GetDate() as varchar(30)) + ': ' + @vtProcName + ' - '

    SET @vtMsg = @vtMsg + 'Error detaching database ' + @vtDBName + '.'

    -- log message

    RAISERROR(@vtMsg, 18, 1) WITH LOG

    END -- detach failed

    END -- detach and re-attach


    BEGIN -- database in use

    -- build message

    SET @vtMsg = CAST(GetDate() as varchar(30)) + ': ' + @vtProcName + ' - '

    SET @vtMsg = @vtMsg + 'Database ' + @vtDBName + ' is in use. Detach cannot be performed.'

    -- log message

    RAISERROR(@vtMsg, 18, 1) WITH LOG

    END -- database in use

    END -- transaction log backed up


    BEGIN -- transaction log has not been backed up

    -- build message

    SET @vtMsg = CAST(GetDate() as varchar(30)) + ': ' + @vtProcName + ' - '

    SET @vtMsg = @vtMsg + 'Database ' + @vtDBName + ' has not been backed up. Detach cannot be performed.'

    -- log message

    RAISERROR(@vtMsg, 18, 1) WITH LOG

    END -- transaction log has not been backed up

    END -- database found


    BEGIN -- database name not found

    -- build message

    SET @vtMsg = CAST(GetDate() as varchar(30)) + ': ' + @vtProcName + ' - '

    SET @vtMsg = @vtMsg + 'Database ' + @vtDBName + ' cannot be found in sysdatabases table. Detach cannot be performed.'

    -- log message

    RAISERROR(@vtMsg, 18, 1) WITH LOG

    END -- database name not found

    END -- not system database


    BEGIN -- system database

    -- build message

    SET @vtMsg = CAST(GetDate() as varchar(30)) + ': ' + @vtProcName + ' - '

    SET @vtMsg = @vtMsg + 'Database ' + @vtDBName + ' is a system database and cannot be detached.'

    -- log message

    RAISERROR(@vtMsg, 18, 1) WITH LOG

    END -- system database

    END -- user is sa


    BEGIN -- user is not sa

    -- build message

    SET @vtMsg = CAST(GetDate() as varchar(30)) + ': ' + @vtProcName + ' - '

    SET @vtMsg = @vtMsg + 'Database ' + @vtDBName + ' cannot be detached. User has insufficient access rights.'

    -- log message

    RAISERROR(@vtMsg, 20, 1) WITH LOG

    END -- user is not sa

    END -- procedure

    John Zacharkan

    John Zacharkan

  • First to detach the database, rename the log file, re-attach the database back with 'sp_attach_single_file_db' and a new log file will be created. If everything goes well, delete the old log file.

    EXEC sp_detach_db 'pubs'

    EXEC sp_attach_single_file_db @dbname = 'pubs',

    @physname = 'd:\mssql$tst\data\pubs.mdf'

  • Allens answer is right on, you just need to do a little research. The procedure I use is basically restart my transaction log for dummys(no offense) Oh and please thank Phillip Carter, he wrote the sp and is a frequent poster here.

    Throw everyone out of the database, backup the database's transaction log, execute the sp feeding it the database name, done. YOu can also make it a schedule task if you wanted.

    Again Allen's answer works, I'm just lazy sometimes.

    John Zacharkan

    John Zacharkan

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