Recovery by Translog

  • ok

  • Steps:

    1) Read books/magazines/articles on SQL Server

    2) Take the test based on your own knowledge rather than asking other people to answer the questions for you.

  • 0) keep your head cool. Know what you do !

    1) disable automatic backup jobs !

    2) make a new incremental log backup !

    3) if you have the place or another server, restore the db to a "staging" db. pull over the data of the truncate table to the original table and off you go.

    4) check if it is ok

    5) re-enable the automatic backup jobs.


    100) flame the one who did it 😉

    Maybe this script may get you started.

    It only generates a restore script, it will not execute the restore itself!

    (it is for sql2000, but it will get you started - the 'RESTORE HEADERONLY ' table needs to be adjusted for sql2005)

    declare @Logbackup_Filename varchar(500)

    declare @Restore_New_DBname varchar(128)

    select @Logbackup_Filename = 'c:\dtestLog.bak'

    , @Restore_New_DBname = 'DTEST1'

    declare @RestoreDb_stmt varchar(5000)

    select @RestoreDb_stmt = 'restore database ' + @Restore_New_DBname + '

    FROM DISK = ''c:\dtestfull.bak''

    WITH MOVE N''DTEST'' TO N''U:\MSSQL$ALBE0DB78\Data\' + @Restore_New_DBname + '.mdf''

    , MOVE N''DTEST_log'' TO N''S:\MSSQL$ALBE0DB78\Log\' + @Restore_New_DBname + '_log.LDF''

    , replace

    , NoRecovery '

    print @RestoreDb_stmt + char(13) + 'GO'

    -- exec (@RestoreDb_stmt)

    if (select isnull( object_id(N'tempdb.[dbo].[#Tmp_BackupHeaders]'), 0)) <> 0


    DROP table #Tmp_BackupHeaders


    -- versie SQL2K sp3a

    create table #Tmp_BackupHeaders (

    BackupName nvarchar(128)

    ,BackupDescription nvarchar(255)

    ,BackupType smallint

    ,ExpirationDate datetime

    ,Compressed tinyint

    ,Position smallint

    ,DeviceType tinyint

    ,UserName nvarchar(128)

    ,ServerName nvarchar(128)

    ,DatabaseName nvarchar(128)

    ,DatabaseVersion int

    ,DatabaseCreationDate datetime

    ,BackupSize numeric(20,0)

    ,FirstLSN numeric(25,0)

    ,LastLSN numeric(25,0)

    ,CheckpointLSN numeric(25,0)

    ,DatabaseBackupLSN numeric(25,0)

    ,BackupStartDate datetime

    ,BackupFinishDate datetime

    ,SortOrder smallint

    ,CodePage smallint

    ,UnicodeLocaleId int

    , UnicodeComparisonStyle int

    , CompatibilityLevel tinyint

    , SoftwareVendorId int

    ,SoftwareVersionMajor int

    ,SoftwareVersionMinor int

    ,SoftwareVersionBuild int

    ,MachineName nvarchar(128)

    ,Flags int

    ,BindingID uniqueidentifier

    ,RecoveryForkID uniqueidentifier

    ,Collation nvarchar(128)


    declare @sql varchar(5000)

    set @sql = 'RESTORE HEADERONLY FROM DISK = ''' + @Logbackup_Filename + ''' '

    insert into #Tmp_BackupHeaders

    exec (@SQL)

    declare csrRestoreLog cursor for

    select 'print ''-- db [' + convert(varchar(128),DatabaseName) + '] -- ' + convert(varchar(15), Position)

    + ' -- LSN ' + convert(varchar(128), FirstLSN ) + ' ' + convert(varchar(128), LastLSN )

    + ' -- BackupDate ' + convert(varchar(25), BackupStartDate, 121) + ' ' + convert(varchar(25), BackupFinishDate, 121)

    + ' ''' + char(13)

    + 'Restore Log ' + @Restore_New_DBname + '

    FROM DISK = ''' + @Logbackup_Filename + '''

    WITH FILE = ' + convert(varchar(15),Position) + char(13)

    + case Position when M.MAX_Position then ' , Recovery '

    else ' , NoRecovery '


    -- + char(13) + 'GO'

    from #Tmp_BackupHeaders

    , (select max(Position) as MAX_Position from #Tmp_BackupHeaders ) M

    order by Position

    declare @RestoreLog_stmt varchar(5000)

    open csrRestoreLog

    FETCH NEXT FROM csrRestoreLog

    INTO @RestoreLog_stmt



    print @RestoreLog_stmt + char(10) + 'GO'

    -- exec (@RestoreLog_stmt)

    -- Volgende rij inlezen

    FETCH NEXT FROM csrRestoreLog

    INTO @RestoreLog_stmt


    -- Cursor afsluiten

    CLOSE csrRestoreLog

    DEALLOCATE csrRestoreLog



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