Record User Login

  • Does anyone have a slick way to record the user name of a particular user connected to sql server through an Access ADP front end? Currently, no matter who is using the ADP, the user is being recorded as Admin (default user group). Thanks!

  • try this

    run a stored procedure on SQL that enteres the users Name into a table.

    This will return the login identification name from a user's security identification number


    hope this helps


  • Hi Rachel,

    you could also try this method:

    Private Declare Function GetUserName Lib "advapi32.dll" _

    Alias "GetUserNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long

    Public Function GetCurrentUserName()

    Dim sBuff As String

    Dim lConst As Long

    Dim lRet As Long

    Dim sName As String

    lConst = 199

    sBuff = Space$(200)

    lRet = GetUserName(sBuff, lConst)

    GetCurrentUserName = Trim$(Left$(sBuff, lConst))

    End Function




  • Hi Rachel,


    Does anyone have a slick way to record the user name of a particular user connected to sql server through an Access ADP front end? Currently, no matter who is using the ADP, the user is being recorded as Admin (default user group).

    maybe this one will help you

    I think, as long as you haven't set up Access security mechanisms, it's normal behaviour that everyone logs on in Access as Admin.


    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • quote:

    Does anyone have a slick way to record the user name of a particular user connected to sql server through an Access ADP front end? Currently, no matter who is using the ADP, the user is being recorded as Admin (default user group). Thanks!

    Surely if you're using an ADP the user account is whatever you have specified in the connection to SQL. If you're trying to get the username through the Access function CurrentUser() it will return Admin. As Frank says, everybody is Admin in Access unless you specify otherwise. But if you use the SQL SYSTEM_USER method you should get the name of the account connected to SQL. Obviously, if your connection forces all logins as a specific user then this won't help at all!


    SubString(SYSTEM_USER, CharIndex('\', SYSTEM_USER)+ 1, Len(SYSTEM_USER))

    This will crudely strip off the domain name and leave you with the username only.

  • The GetCurrentusername will only get you the name used to login into Windows and not to the SQL Server unless both are the same. The ADP stores connection string to the SQL Server in a property called BAseconnectionString that is readonly. The best way I have handled this is to have my own login form for connecing to the SQL Server and use my own connectionstring.

    This means everyone that logins in through the ADP must have an SQL login account.

    Hope this helps.

  • I use the following:



    /* set nocount on */

    --DECLARE @sys_usr char(30)

    SELECT System_user as SQLUserName


  • Thanks everyone for your suggestions! I ran into this suggestion on another website and so far it 'seems' to work - using


    captures the username I was looking for. I'm going to keep all your suggestions in case this doesn't end up panning out.

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