August 21, 2007 at 2:13 pm
I am using Access with a SQL Server backend. I am calling a stored procedure on my search screen to pull back the results on a subform. So, I set the recordsource of the subform to the stored procedure. It pulls back the data into the subform correctly, but after a while if I just leave it open, it will throw the following error:
"The record source ' ' specified on this form or report does not exist. You misspelled the name, or it was deleted or renamed in the current database, or it exists in a different database. In the Form or Report's Design view, display the property sheet by clicking the Properties button, and then set the RecordSource property to an existing table or query."
Why would this be happening??
August 22, 2007 at 6:19 am
I won't claim to be an expert in SQL Server but the possibile cause that quickly comes to mind is that SQL server resultsets dispalyed in EM will often prompt me after a decent interval that there has been no activity on said pane for some time now and the server would like to clear the pane to conserve resources. When I select Yes, it clears the pane, and No leaves it open.
Could be the same (or a similar) thing is causing the resultset returned by your sproc to disconnect after some time.
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