Record set in Query Analyser but none in execution code

  • I have the following stored procedure that gives me results in Query Analyser but none when I try to run it in Visual Basic.

    CREATE PROCEDURE usp_NextFileName


    @TableName varchar(50),

    @fieldID varchar(75)




    @DynSQL1 VARCHAR(4000),

    @DynSQL2 VARCHAR(4000),

    @fieldVal nvarchar(255),

    @Prefix nvarchar(11),

    @MyValue nvarchar(75)

    IF @FieldID = 'TempPolicyID' OR @FieldID = '000020' OR @FieldID = 'ClaimID' OR @FieldID = 'FileNumber'


    UPDATE syscontrol SET @fieldVal = FieldValue = FieldValue+1,@Prefix =Prefix WHERE FieldID = @fieldID

    INSERT INTO TempPolicy VALUES ( @prefix, @fieldVal)

    SELECT * from TempPolicy WHERE FieldValue = @FieldVal




    SELECT @DynSQL1 = 'SELECT Prefix, FieldValue FROM ' + @TableName + ' WHERE FieldID = ''' + @fieldID + ''''

    EXEC (@DynSQL1)



    I'm using Ado on the VB side.

    Public Function OpenRS(ByVal db As ADODB.Connection, ByVal sql As Variant)

    Dim Rcds As Variant

    Dim adCmdText As Variant

    On Error GoTo OnOpenRSError


    Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset

    rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient

    Set rs = db.Execute(sql)

    rsOpenFlag = True

    mRecordPtr = 0

    mRecordCount = 0

    Do Until rs.Eof

    mRecordCount = mRecordCount + 1



    If mRecordCount = 0 Then

    mBof = False

    mEof = True


    mRecordPtr = 1

    mBof = True

    mEof = False


    End If

    Exit Function

    Exit Function

    I was creating a temp table, but I was getting the same results. Is there a way to get my stored procedure to give a me a record set? The code will execute the SP but gives a rs is not open error when I try to get the record set.

    This whole thing came about because we are trying to eliminate the creation of duplicate records. If anyone has a better idea...

  • You seem to have not provided all of the VB code. For example, where are you providing the name of the stored procedure to run? Where are you setting the values of the parameters? Where are you passing the parameters to the stored procedure?

    If you haven't got this code I can write you something that will work.



  • Here is the vb execution code:

    Option Explicit

    Private rc As Variant

    Private Sub cmdRun_Click()

    Dim PrintPostDate As Date

    Dim cAppSettings As clsAppSettings

    Dim strServer As String

    Dim strDatabase As String

    Dim sql As String

    Dim dtDailyTask As String

    Dim rsWork As clsSql

    Set rsWork = New clsSql

    Dim strUID As String

    Dim strPWD As String

    Dim fso As New Scripting.FileSystemObject

    Set cAppSettings = New clsAppSettings

    Dim i As Integer

    If optCompany(0).Value = True Then

    gstrCONFIGFILE = "c:\winnt\system32\AIH.config"

    ElseIf optCompany(1).Value = True Then

    gstrCONFIGFILE = "c:\winnt\system32\AIM.config"

    ElseIf optCompany(2).Value = True Then

    gstrCONFIGFILE = "c:\winnt\system32\ATICH.config"

    ElseIf optCompany(3).Value = True Then

    gstrCONFIGFILE = "c:\winnt\system32\ATICM.config"

    ElseIf optCompany(4).Value = True Then

    gstrCONFIGFILE = "c:\winnt\system32\MUH.config"

    ElseIf optCompany(5).Value = True Then

    gstrCONFIGFILE = "c:\winnt\system32\MUM.config"

    ElseIf optCompany(6).Value = True Then

    gstrCONFIGFILE = "c:\winnt\system32\NCI.config"

    ElseIf optCompany(7).Value = True Then

    gstrCONFIGFILE = "c:\winnt\system32\LMC.config"

    ElseIf optCompany(8).Value = True Then

    gstrCONFIGFILE = "c:\winnt\system32\UNITED.config"


    MsgBox "Nothing here"

    Exit Sub

    End If

    Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass

    Call GetConfigSettings(strServer, strDatabase, strUID, strPWD)


    sql = txtStored.Text

    For i = 0 To cboRun.List(cboRun.ListIndex)

    rsWork.OpenRS db, sql

    dtDailyTask = rsWork.Column("FieldValue")

    Next i


    Set rsWork = Nothing

    Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault

    End Sub

    The sub is a bit long since I want to test on 7 different databases. I know the vb code works with the else section. Below is the original stored procedure that I started tweaking . It works fine in the code.

    Here an example of the value: EXEC usp_NextFileName2 'syscontrol', '000020'

    CREATE PROCEDURE usp_NextFileName


    @TableName varchar(50),

    @fieldID varchar(75)




    @DynSQL1 VARCHAR(4000),

    @DynSQL2 VARCHAR(4000)

    SELECT @DynSQL1 = 'SELECT Prefix, FieldValue FROM ' + @TableName + ' WHERE FieldID = ''' + @fieldID + ''''

    SELECT @DynSQL2 = 'UPDATE ' + @TableName + ' SET FieldValue = FieldValue+1 WHERE FieldID = ''' + @fieldID + ''''

    EXEC (@DynSQL1)

    IF @FieldID = 'TempPolicyID' OR @FieldID = '000020' OR @FieldID = 'ClaimID' OR @FieldID = 'FileNumber'


    EXEC (@DynSQL2)



  • I figured it out. I had to add


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