Record count/hash compare

  • Hi guys, have any of you ever put a structure/solution in place so you can audit a cube? Being able to reconcile between source, stageing,DW and finally the cube.

    If so how have you done it?

    My thoughts so far, take measure counts from the cube. These will be totals for entire cube for each measure.

    Then for each measure, get the corresponding values from the DW and Staging.

    Has anyone done something similar? is there anything i need to be aware of?

    Is there any example code I can have a look at?

    thhanks guys.

    Ian Cockcroft
    MCITP BI Specialist

  • What I usually to is create a quick analysis in the cube browser, and then recreate the same data in SQL. (the ROLLUP function can be useful to calculate totals and subtotals).

    It's quite time-consuming, especially if you have a lot of logic in the cube.

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