Recon Database design HELP (newbie alert)

  • I have a scenario that I'm hoping you can help with. I need to build a Recon database that will essentially need to check 6 lists of servers against each other, and then flag which servers are missing in which lists.

    To clarify, here's an example: I need to recon the Master list against the Backup, asset, Patch and Outage lists. But then I also need to check the Backup against the Master, asset, patch, outage lists and so on. Basically I need to highlight any discrepancies between any combination of these lists so that I can provide some way to comment on them.

    I think I'm actually asking for a datacube, but I have no experience with that and wouldn't know where to even start!

    Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

  • --Brute force? (Mind the mess, now)

    create table #list1(server_nm varchar(7))

    create table #list2(server_nm varchar(7))

    create table #list3(server_nm varchar(7))

    create table #list4(server_nm varchar(7))

    create table #list5(server_nm varchar(7))

    create table #list6(server_nm varchar(7))

    insert into #list1 values('Server1')

    insert into #list1 values('Server2')

    insert into #list1 values('Server3')

    insert into #list2 values('Server1')

    insert into #list2 values('Server2')

    insert into #list2 values('Server4')

    insert into #list3 values('Server2')

    insert into #list3 values('Server4')

    insert into #list4 values('Server4')

    insert into #list4 values('Server3')

    insert into #list4 values('Server1')

    insert into #list4 values('Server6')

    insert into #list5 values('Server5')

    insert into #list6 values('Server1')

    insert into #list6 values('Server4')

    insert into #list6 values('Server6')

    select server_nm,

    list1_ind = convert(bit, max(t.list1_ind)),

    list2_ind = convert(bit, max(t.list2_ind)),

    list3_ind = convert(bit, max(t.list3_ind)),

    list4_ind = convert(bit, max(t.list4_ind)),

    list5_ind = convert(bit, max(t.list5_ind)),

    list6_ind = convert(bit, max(t.list6_ind))

    into #masterlist

    from (

    select top 0









    select server_nm, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 from #list1


    select server_nm, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 from #list2


    select server_nm, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 from #list3


    select server_nm, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 from #list4


    select server_nm, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 from #list5


    select server_nm, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 from #list6

    ) as t

    group by server_nm

    select * from #masterlist order by server_nm

    drop table #list1

    drop table #list2

    drop table #list3

    drop table #list4

    drop table #list5

    drop table #list6

    drop table #masterlist


    By the way, the whole "SELECT TOP 0" part of the union is

    pointless and is only there to assign the subquery fields

    their names without messing up the following SELECT.


  • Woaw, finger trouble with last post!

    What I meant to say was Thank you very much Dave for looking at this! And sorry I haven't replied earlier (and my information was so vague). I've been inspired by today's "Mind your manners" ( article to do better

    So have a look at this, what I was after was a cross join (never thought Id need that!) to generate a factual table with data (all combos between all the distinct list and distinct server names). Next, I do a outer join to the imported table and flag the missing ones.

    Please have a look at this code:

    /* create schema */

    -- used as the staging table for all the lists

    create table [dbo].[serverreconimport] (  

     [servername] [varchar] (100) collate sql_latin1_general_cp1_ci_as null ,

     [listsourcename] [varchar] (100) collate sql_latin1_general_cp1_ci_as null ,

    ) on [primary]

    -- used to hold distinct list names i.e. backup, asset, patch etc...

    create table [dbo].[listsource] (   

     [listsourceid] [int] identity (1, 1) not null ,

     [listsourcename] [varchar] (50)  not null ,

     constraint [pk_sourcelist] primary key  clustered ([listsourceid])  on [primary]

    ) on [primary]

    -- used to hold distinct severnames

    create table [dbo].[server] (    

     [serverid] [int] identity (1, 1) not null ,

     [servername] [varchar] (50) collate sql_latin1_general_cp1_ci_as not null ,

     constraint [pk_server] primary key  clustered (serverid)  on [primary] ,

    ) on [primary]

    -- this is the Factual table, and data is generated via the cross join

    create table [dbo].[serverlistsource] (   

     [serverlistsourceid] [int] identity (1, 1) not null ,

     [serverid] [int] not null ,

     [listsourceid] [int] not null ,

     [createdate] [datetime] null constraint [df_serverlistsource_createdate] default (getdate()),

     [updatedate] [datetime] null ,

     [ismissing] [tinyint] not null constraint [df_serversourcelist_todelete] default (0),

     [reason] [varchar] (255) collate sql_latin1_general_cp1_ci_as not null constraint [df_serverlistsource_reason] default ('none specified'),

     constraint [pk_serversourcelist] primary key  clustered ([serverlistsourceid])  on [primary] ,

     constraint [fk_serversourcelist_server] foreign key ([serverid]) references [dbo].[server] ([serverid]) on delete cascade ,

     constraint [fk_serversourcelist_sourcelist] foreign key ([listsourceid]) references [dbo].[listsource] ([listsourceid])

    ) on [primary]


     create  index [ix_serverid] on [dbo].[serverlistsource]([serverid]) on [primary]


     create  index [ix_listsourceid] on [dbo].[serverlistsource]([listsourceid]) on [primary]


    /* insert combos into factual table */

    insert into serverlistsource  -- insert any new combonations of listnames and servernames into the serverlistsource table that aren't present already.

    (serverid, listsourceid, createdate)  

    select ss.serverid



    from ( select s.serverid


      from server s

      cross join listsource l

    &nbsp ss


     left outer join serverlistsource sl on sl.serverid = ss.serverid

     and sl.listsourceid = ss.listsourceid

    where sl.serverid is null and sl.listsourceid is null

    /* use a cursor to mark the ones that are present in the imported table, so check combonations of listid + serverid

     Analyse the imported data and set all the flags in the ServerListSource table to reflect the

     Data as recieved from the current imported Lists


     ps: I know this is ugly; I'm sure there may be a better way to flag them, and will look into it

     as soon as I have a moment.


    declare ccsourcelist scroll cursor for

    select  l.listsourceid   


    from  listsource l

     inner join serverreconimport sri on sri.listsourcename = l.listsourcename

    open ccsourcelist

    fetch next from ccsourcelist into @listsourceid, @listsourcename

    while (@@fetch_status <> -1)


    --1. update all servernames that are on the current list in @listsourcename to missing (ismissing = 1)

     update serverlistsource    -- with this listsourceid = 0. this way we can selectively flag the ones that we have

     set  ismissing = 1    -- we do have back to zero in the next step

     where  listsourceid  = @listsourceid

      and ismissing = 0

    --2. flag the servers that match up in the serverlistsource back to '0' (ismissing = 0)

     update serverlistsource

     set  ismissing  = 0,

      updatedate = getdate()

     from serverreconimport sri  inner join server s on s.servername = sri.servername   

         inner join listsource l on l.listsourcename = sri.listsourcename

     where serverlistsource.serverid = s.serverid  

      and serverlistsource.listsourceid = @listsourceid

      and sri.listsourcename  = @listsourcename


     fetch next from ccsourcelist into @listsourceid, @listsourcename


    close ccsourcelist

    deallocate ccsourcelist

    /* finally, do a select for any still with a ismissing = '1' */

    SELECT  S.ServerName    Server

     ,LS.ListSourceName MissingIN


    FROM  Server S  INNER JOIN ServerListSource SL ON S.ServerID = SL.ServerID

       INNER JOIN ListSource LS on LS.ListSourceID = SL.ListSourceId

    WHERE SL.isMissing = 1

    --============== END OF SCRIPT ===========

    I've been busy adding meat to it (more server info, added contact and patch tables etc) but in essence this was what I realised I was after!

    Thanks again mate!


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